Chapter 24

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Selena's p.o.v.

After feeling like days had passed, I was able to open my eyes. I still felt slightly dizzy, but soon enough my vision became clear and I was able to see where I was. The place looked old and abandoned, but there was still a bed but not dark enough that I couldn't see myself. When I tried to move my arms, I then realised that I was tied to a chair...
Usually in the movies, the victim's mouth would be taped closed or something like that, but there wasn't anything covering my mouth...which meant that I could move it and talk.

"Well, someone's awake" I heard a voice say. Justin...

"You prick! Why are you doing this?!" I yelled.

"I've always found it so hot when you're mad" Justin said, as he walked closer to me, and stopped when he was right in front of my face.

He was then about to kiss me, but I turned away...

"Bitch. I have to go meet with your boyfriend anyways. I'll get Eleanor to watch you" Justin said, smiling evilly.

"Don't you dare do anything to him! If you do, I swear I'll make you regret it" I said.

He just laughed and walked off. That bastard...

Jessica's p.o.v.

Apart of the plan was also that when Louis went to meet with Justin alone, I had to try and find out where Selena is. So far I have been driving around for quite a while, but then being a complete idiot I am, I realised that Selena would've had her phone with her. So I quickly parked the car, and took my phone out, and tracked her phone within in minutes. A map then opened up, and i could see where she was. The place was only a 15min drive from where I was, so I quickly drove off.

Once I reached the destination, I realised that it was a very old-looking hotel. When I walked inside, I saw an old man at the main desk, who was asleep. But when I got closer to it, I saw that his computer had shown different rooms, which must be what the cameras were placed.
I quietly walked behind the desk, to see the computer up close. I was able to get through quite easily, since the old man didn't seem to wake up. After a minute of searching, I had finally found the camera which showed where Selena was. I then quietly walked away, and then ran towards the elevator, but it was out of order...typical.

"Stairs it is then..." I muttered to myself, as I them jogged over to the stairs and started heading up. Luckily Selena was kept only on the 5th floor...otherwise i wouldn't be able to get to her before the next day.

As I was walking up the stairs, I received a text that Justin was on his way back...

"Shit...", I said, as I then started running.

Once I got the 5th floor, I ran down the hallway and searched for the room where Selena was held.

I figured that Eleanor was probably the one who was watching Selena while Justin was gone...I quickly texted Liam for all them to come too.

Liam replied saying that they were kind of following me, and that they were just outside the hotel. I then texted him again, telling him that they need to create some sort of noise that would be loud enough for Eleanor to hear, as a distraction. As soon as I sent it, I then hid behind a plant that was on the opposite end of the door to the stairway, waiting for them to create a distraction outside.

I then heard a crash, and I knew that Eleanor should be out the room soon. I saw her speed walk out muttering a few words to herself. I ended up waiting just another 20 seconds, before I stood up from behind the plant, and jogged towards the room. Eleanor being Eleanor, she had left the door wide open. I ran in, and ran into different rooms, until I found a room that was locked. Luckily, I had a few bobby pins in my hair, so I took one out and picked the lock. After a few minutes of fiddling with the lock, i had managed to unlock it.

When I opened the door, I saw Selena tied to a chair.

"Selena...what did they do?" I said.

"I'll explain later. Please help me and get this tight rope off of me" Selena said, I just nodded and walked over to her. I had forgotten the pocket knife I had with me in the car. I looked around the room, and found some broken glass.

"Don't move otherwise I might cut you" I said, as I picked up the glass and started to cut through the rope.

It took me a few minutes to get the rope off of her, but I had done it.

"Thanks" Selena said, as she held her wrist which was probably sore from the rope.

"No worries. Let's go now" I said, as we then ran out.

Liam's p.o.v.

"I called the police, and they should be on their way now" Harry said.

"Okay good" I said.

"Here comes Eleanor" Zayn said.

I then looked over to the hotel door, and I saw Eleanor walk outside, looking around.

I then took a stick and threw it in the opposite direction, when she wasn't looking.

"Now" i said, as Zayn, Harry and I then ran over to where she was.

All 3 of us stood around her.

"I should've known it was you...Move out of my way!" Eleanor said, but every where she turned, she couldn't escape.

I could then hear the sirens in the near distance. When I could hear the police car being parked, and the police getting out of their cars, I then turned around to see that Justin and Louis were there too. Justin was in handcuffs, while Louis ran over towards Selena who was with Jess, in front of the hotel.

"Eleanor, you have been arrested" one of the policemen said, as he then handcuffed her. She just glared at all of us, and turned away when the policeman made her turn around...

Jess then ran over to me, and hugged me. 

"It's finally over..." I said.

"Yep...we can finally stop worrying about them" Jess said, as we stood there in each other's arms.

Omg!! This is officially the very last chapter. I can't believe I have finished this book...well I'm obviously gonna write an epilogue which will conclude this book. I'm so sorry for updating sooo late. I've been busy with sooo many other things and I know I keep saying this, but it's true. Since it's nearly the end of another school yr for me, I've had to study for so many exams that I haven't been able to write as much. Well, I hope u have enjoyed it! Love u! Plz comment, vote, etc. byeeeee for now!!

Love BigCatsRule


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