Chapter 23

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*Continued from last Chapter*

Selena's p.o.v.

"Well, look who broke the rules" Eleanor said, as she crossed her arms, while smiling a fake smile.

Louis and I had walked out the elevator, and we were now face to face with Justin and Eleanor...

"So, what are you going to do with the photo?" I asked, trying to sound confident while knowing exactly what they would want to do.

"Oh I don't know, what do you think we should do with it, Justin?" Eleanor asked, still acting all fake.

"I was thinking, posting it online so everyone can see what they've been hiding. Unless..." Justin said, emphasising 'everyone'.

"Unless what?" Louis asked, trying to get straight to the point.

"Unless, you French kiss me, slowly while Louis is watching, and you have to act like you mean it" Justin said, smirking.

"And you have to watch him getting a lap dance by me" Eleanor said, pointing to Louis while winking. Her winking seriously looked like she had an eye problem...

"Never in a million years" I said.
(1D song reference, ayyy?...or maybe I'm just being a weirdo...)

"I will never let you touch her" Louis said, glaring at Justin. If looks could kill, Justin would've been dead by now.

"It's either that or we post the picture and you both lose you career", Eleanor says.

"Fine...when and where?" I ask, through gritted teeth...

"We'll let you know whenever" Justin said, as they then worked off like they had achieved something amazing (or amazayn)...when they haven't.

"Why'd you do that?" Louis asked as we  walked to the mini food restaurant, that was in the corner of the lobby.

"Because I had no choice. My parents told me if I ever fail throughout my career, they'll end up being disappointed in me, because they've always been against me being a singer, songwriter and actress" I said, as I then ordered the food.

"But there has to be another way..." Louis said, as we waited for the food to be ready.

*Back in the Hotel room*

"There has to be another way!" Jess said.

"That's exactly what I said" Louis said.

We had just told everything to Liam and Jess. Apparently, Harry, Zayn and Niall were heading back to the hotel, and would be here with us soon.

"I just had an idea!" Jess said.

"What idea?" Harry asks, as Niall and Zayn both appear behind him at the door, all looking confused.

*Later that day...*

After explaining everything to Niall, Zayn and Harry, we watched a couple of movies and played a few games so we were able to take our mind off it. It kind of worked, but it also didn't because all I could think about was what Justin and Eleanor had said...I just can't believe they would do that.

"Why don't you guys have chocolate? Out of all days, it had to be today that you guys don't have chocolate in your hotel room", I said, as I looked through the cupboards for it, in the kitchen.

"Oh, Niall must've ate it the other day, but you can go buy some if you really want to. There's a small candy shop right across the road if the shop in the lobby doesn't have any", Harry said.

"Fine...I'll be back soon though" I said, as I grabbed one of my hoodies and sunglasses, so I wouldn't be recognised by the fans.

Most of the fans that were outside earlier, had be sent back by the security guards, but there were still a few fans that were still outside the hotel. The lady in the lobby kindly unlocked the back door for me, and since the stores were just across the street, I decided to walk. I also just needed some fresh air to clear my mind a bit. The vending machines in the lobby only had drinks and chips, and today out of all days, the mini food shop had ran out of chocolate. What kind of shop runs out of chocolate? I swear it's like Harry knew...

The sun was setting, and I had noticed that not many people were outside. It didn't take me long to buy the chocolate, but as I walked out the shop a dark, black figure grabbed me from behind that made me drop my phone and the chocolate and lollies I had just bought. All I could see and feel was the world going fuzzy, and me being dragged backwards somewhere. Before I knew it, I passed out...

Jessica's p.o.v.

"What's taking Selena so long? She's been gone for the past 20 minutes, and I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't take her that long to go to the shops right across the road, and to walk back" I said.

"Maybe the store was closed?" Zayn said, unsure of he answer.

"It's open 24 hours...I'm pretty sure that's not the reason", I said.

Suddenly Louis' phone vibrated...

"What is it?" Niall asked.

"Is it Selena?" Liam asked.

"Yea, but I don't think it was her that sent the text", Louis said as he showed the rest of us the text.

The text had read, saying:
'If you want your beloved Selena back, meet me at the bar closest to your hotel...come alone, and alone only otherwise watch hers and your career shatter into pieces over one photo'

"He does know that there is no way in hell we're letting you go alone, right?" I said.

"No. But I do know that it is Justin that sent that...and I have to do it on my own. I have to" Louis said.

"Fine, but please go along with the plan that we had discussed earlier" I said.

"I will, don't worry" Louis said, as he grabbed his phone and keys.

And with that he walked out the door...

What'd u think will happen next...?
Heyy ppl!! Long time no update, I know. It's just that I had major writers block for a while, but here i am with a chapter that I had tried to make as interesting as possible. I'm sorry if it's a short, and crappy chapter, but I tried coz it's been just over  a month since I last updated. Well I hope u ppl out there still enjoyed it. Plz vote, comment, etc. Even if u have gr8 ideas this for this story, lemme know. Anyways, byeee 4 now!

Love BigCatsRule

P.S. There may or may not be a another update sometime keep a look out for that.

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