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~~Many Years Later~~
Selena's p.o.v

"Get up! Get up! It's my birthday! I need to get my presents!" Michael yelled as he jumped up onto mine & Louis' bed.

"It's mine too!" Nina said, as she came in the room, trailing behind Michael.

"Okay, okay. We're up. Go get ready and we'll come downstairs" Louis said, as they ran off.

"But I really wanted to stay in bed a bit longer..." I said.

"Yea me too. Well, we better get up now before they cause a mess downstairs" Louis said, as we then got up to get ready. (Outfit on top/side)

It only seemed like yesterday that Nina and Michael were just turning 1. Time as flown by so fast, when Louis and I quit our careers to live together and have a family. We now live in LA, California, in an awesome two-storey house with twins. Jess and Liam also live together not far away with their 3 kids, Maddison, Chris and Georgia. And the rest of 1D had done the same, living with their future wives/girlfriends.

*20mins Later*

When I was finally ready, I walked downstairs to see the twins, waiting for me to in the dining room.

"Have you eaten your breakfast yet?" I asked them, as I sat down.

"When I made them their breakfast they had finished it within two minutes, out of excitement. It was quite funny actually" Louis said, smiling at the thought, as he walked towards me with two plates of some pancakes with maple syrup drizzled on top.

"Of course they would", I said smiling.

"Stop it" Nina said, glaring at Michael.

"Michael, are you trying to play footsies again, under the table?" I asked, as Michael just looked away.

"He won't stop" Nina said, annoyed.

"Don't you wanna know what we have planned for you both, today?" Louis asked him.

"Yea..." Michael said, while nodding his head.

"Well then don't annoy your sister" I added.

"Okay..." Michael said.

"Okay, I think we should get going now to be able to get there on time" I said as I got up from the table, and put mine and Louis' plates away.

The twins jumped up, and quickly ran off to get their shoes on.

"Can't believe they're already 9..." I said.

"Yea, they've grown up so fast. I also don't remember the last time we had a day all to ourselves" Louis said.

"Maybe we can ask Jess and Liam to see if they can babysit them, tomorrow? And we're going to see them later today, so we can ask then" I suggested, as I checked if I had forgotten anything in my little handbag.

"That sounds like a great idea. We can discuss it with them later on, when we get to Harry's place" Louis said.

"Oh that reminds me, I need to call Jess about the twins' cake. Go outside with them, and start the car while I quickly call her", I told Louis.

"Okay, but don't take too long", Louis said as he pecked my lips.

"No promises", I said as he rolled his eyes playfully, and then walked off towards the door where Nina and Michael were waiting. I watched them run outside as soon as he opened the door, laughing to myself.

I then realised that my phone was still upstairs in the bedroom. When I got to my phone, I called Jess. After a few rings she finally picked up.

"Heyyy! Wassup?", Jess said.

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