Chapter 18

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*Next Day...*
Selena's p.o.v.

I had just got back from doing a bit of shopping, and I was standing in front of the door knocking, trying to get Jess to help me with the bags. I finally gave up, and put some of the bags down and got my keys and unlocked the door. I walked into my bedroom and set the shopping bags filled with clothes, in a corner. I then walked into the living room but I couldn't find Jess. I then walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water, which i did, but Jess wasn't there either which was weird. So I left the kitchen, and went into Jess' room. She wasn't there, once again.

"Jess where the hell are you?" I asked.

"In here" Jess says, but I still couldn't figure out where.

"Where?" I asked.

"Bathroom" She said.

"Ohhh" I said, as I walked into the bathroom to find Jess curling her hair.

"Why didn't you answer the door?" I asked.

"I couldn't hear" she said.

"How could you not hear m-" I was then cut off by my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I said, as I answered the call since it was from my management...

"Um...okay....bye". And with that I ended the call.

"Who called?" Jess asked, as she finished curling the last strand of her hair.

"Management, and they wanted to have a talk with me. I don't know what it is yet, but I have a feeling it may involve Louis. Let's go" I said, as I grabbed my sidebag which had my important valuables in there, and waited for Jess. Jessica quickly turned off the curling wand and put it away, and got her handbag which had already contained her stuff in it. We then walked out, locked the door, and went down into the lobby. We then saw screaming and angry fans outside. What the fuck is going on?!

"There's a back door, just behind that cafe. I'll call in more security guards. They've been out there for around an hour. Now hurry!" The lady at the front desk said. Jess and I thanked her and ran towards the back exit. Luckily there weren't fans there, so we got into the car, and we drove off towards my managements building. They had one in nearly every important, huge city.

Once we arrived at my manager's building, we asked the lady in the front desk what floor we needed to go to. Jess and I ran into the elevator and clicked the floor number, and waited.

We then ran down the hallway, and I knocked on the door that said 'management' in big, bold letters.

"Come in" Jazmin said. Jazmin was my manager, she was really nice most of the time but when she gets mad she goes off at you like a bomb.

"Why's Justin's manager here?" I asked Jazmin, as Madison (Justin's manager) typed away on her laptop.

"Because we need to talk to both you and Justin" Jazmin said.

"About Louis and her dating?" Jess asked.

"Yes, but that's not the point right now. We'll talk about this more as soon as Justin comes. He's running late, 'cause of the fans, like you two. But you went really late, so it's okay", Jaz says.

"Wait, how'd you know?" Jess asked.

"Social media. It's everywhere", Madison said, not looking up from her laptop. Rude...

"Okay..." Jess and I said at the same time and with that we went on our phones texting each other, even when we were next to each other.

Our conversation contained a lot of anger with Justin...and confusion as to why we're having a meeting with Justin too.

*20mins later...*

After around twenty minutes of waiting, Justin came in, with ripped clothing.

"Sorry for coming in late, the fans just couldn't get enough of me" Justin said, smirking. Ugh...big ego much? And to think that I dated him.

"Oh, I see Selena's here too, with her friend, what's her name again? Jane?" He asked, as he sat down next to me. Great...

"It's Jessica", Jess said with a glare.

"Okay...moving on" Jaz said.

"So why'd you bring us here?" I asked.

"Well, you see. After what some person had tweeted the photo of you and Louis, the fans started hating on you both. Since you haven't said anything about you and Justin breaking up, and also the fact that Louis didn't say anything about his relationship with Eleanor either" Madison said.

"So what are you saying?" I asked, as my heart started beating a bit faster in fear.

"You and Louis either have to break up, so you can go back with Justin or you get cut off" Madison said, trying to hide her evil smirk. I've always hated her, she was a pain in the ass. She used to be my old manager, until Jazmin came in.

"As in, I'm fired? After all those years of my hard work?!" I asked, as I stood up.

"Unfortunately yes. The fans have gone too far with the hate, that those are the only two options" Jazmin said, genuinely sad.
While Madison and Justin faked sadness, when I can tell that they were both jumping with joy on the inside.

"Can I have time to think about it?" I asked, more calm now.

"Okay, but you only have a week, and that's it. I won't be able to extend it or anything" Jazmin said.

"Thanks, see ya in one week then" I said, as Jess and I got up and walked out.

"I can't believe that you'll be fired if you don't break up with Louis. That's fucked up!" Jess said, as we got in the car and I started driving.

"I know, but there's nothing else we could do about it. But they never said that I couldn't tell Louis the truth about why we have to break up, so I can still tell him the whole story" I said.

"True. I'm hungry, wanna stop by Nando's?" Jess asked, changing the subject.

"Yup! I was planning that anyways. After that we can go back home and watch movies and stuff, because I really don't wanna think about how I'm going to tell Louis all this. I just wanna relax for now" I said, as I stopped at a red light.

"Mkay. But I hope you make the right decision" Jess said.

"I'll try..." I said, keeping my eyes on the road.

Will Selena really sacrifice her career to keep dating Louis publicly, or will she break up with him?...
Or maybe she'll have another idea instead...

Heyyyy readers!! Hope u liked this chapter! Sorry for not updating sooner, but I was stuck with how to write this chapter, but thankfully my best friend 19_JANIEL_22 helped me! So thanks for that, if u're reading this. Plz vote, comment, etc.
Anyways, until next time, byeeeeeeeee!

Love BigCatsRule

Twisted (Louis .T fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora