Chapter 12

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Hiiiii! Well, since i kept using symbols whenever the characters would swear (in any of my books) i've decided to write actual words, since i've become lazy. Anyways hope u enjoy the chapter!

Love BigCatsRule
(Continued from last chapter)
Louis' p.o.v.

"I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with.......Louis" Harry said as he smirked at me.

"Okay then" Selena said as she pulled me with her towards the nearest closet. She then closed and locked the door.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked.

"Yea", and with that she kissed me. I then pushed her against the wall, without breaking the kiss, and ran my hand down to her ass, and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

"SEVEN MINUTES ARE UP!" Harry screamed through the door.

"I think we should continue this some other time" Selena whispered.

"We should go then" i said, as we opened the door, ignoring her statement.

"So did you do it?" Harry asked.

"Umm.....yea. We did the dare" i said, as i ran my fingers through my hair.

"Well the game ended so we should head back" Liam said. We then saw that Selena and Jessica were both asleep on a couch behind us, so Liam carried Jessica, while i carried Selena bridal style.

"Jess got drunk?" I whispered to Liam.

"Yep" He said, and with that we drove off.

The ride was silent, other than the fact that the radio was playing in the background. We finally got to our hotel, and went inside.

"I'm going to let Selena sleep on my bed with me" i whispered, as we walked into out flat. Liam nodded and carried Jessica to his room.

"Goodnight love" i whispered as i kissed her forehead. I then took off my shirt and left it on the floor, and slid into bed with Selena as she smiled in her sleep, and as i wrapped my hands around her.

"I love you Louis" i heard Selena mumble.

"I love you too", i whispered back, and then i fell asleep.

*Next morning...*
I woke up to the sound of vommiting coming from the bathroom. I quickly got up, and as i opened the door to the bathroom, I saw Jessica sitting there with Liam, who was holding her hair away from her face.

"I got this" Liam said, as i nodded and walked out, and went into the living room to see Selena.

"How come you're not hungover?" I asked.

"Because i didnt get that drunk. The only reason why i acted a bit loopy was because i kind of had sugar before we left" she said calmly, as i sat beside her on the couch.

"So, you remember what happened?" I said.

"Yep. Gosh Louis, you make it sound like we had sex or something while i was hypo" Selena said, amused.

"Well, it could've happened" i said.

"Yea but it didnt. Plus i would rather have it when i'm not as hypo or drunk so i can remember every. Single. Detail. Of it" She said, as she whispered the last bit as she brushed her lips against mine, before she pulled away teasing me, which made me wanna fuck her right then and there.

"You're such a tease. But i cant wait 'till i make you scream my name" i whispered in her ear, before getting up to go my bedroom to change, acting as if nothing happened.

Selena's p.o.v.
Damn! He was making it so hard for me not to fuck him right then and there, and not to mention that he. Was. Shirtless! But that'll have to wait, at least for a while now.

"I heard what you and Louis said ya know" Jessica said, as she sat next to me, smirking.

"Oh fuck! What'd you hear?" I asked, embarrassed.

"All of it. You really should practise on whispering" Jess said.

"Well you shouldn't be listening to conversations you weren't included in. But please dont tell the others. If you promise me you wont tell, i'll ask Liam how he feels about you?" i said.

"Fine......the things i do for you" she muttered.

Yes! I knew mentioning Liam would make her keep her promise.

*Later that day...*
We were all currently at a park, which was strangley empty.

"Hey Liam! Can i talk to you privately for a second?" I asked, as Louis gave me a confused look. 'I'll tell you later' i mouthed to him as he nodded.

"So what'd you want to talk to me about?" Liam asked, once we were away from the others.

"Well, i'm gonna say this straight forwardly. Do you like Jessica more than a friend?" I said, as i let out a breath.

"Umm.......yea" he replied as he looked down while slightly blushing.

"She likes you too, ya know? You should ask her out on a date" I said.

"Really? And i was actually planning on doing that while we're at this park" he said.

"Yea really. And cool. Now go ask her" i said as i pushed him towards her. Then they walked off. I then headed towards Louis.

"What happened?" Louis asked. Then i explained everything since earlier today when Jess and I talked, up until now.

"I knew they would get together sometime" Louis said.

"So did i. Oh! Here they come. And they both look happy. I'm guessing Jess said 'yes'. I'm also gonna have to talk to her when we get to the hotel" i said.

*At the hotel...*
We were now, in our own flat for once. The boys were in theirs', doing who knows what. And right now Jess and I were prepared for bed, but i still had to talk to her about Liam.

"So what happened?" I asked Jess, as we sat in bed facing each other.

"Well, Liam asked me out. And i'm guessing you talked to him about it just before it, like you said?" Jess said.

"Yea, but he was actually planning on it anyway" I said.

"Really?" She asked, as i nodded.

"Well i obviously said 'yes'"

"When's the date?"

"Tomorrow at around 7pm"

"Cool. Well, i'm tired so im gonna sleep now. Goodnight!" I said, as i shut my eyes.


And with that i fell asleep.

AND DONE! END OF CHAPTER! Its like nearly 1am where i am rn, and i really wanted to finish this chapter b4 i fell asleep, so i did. Anyways, hope it wasnt boring. Plz vote & comment!

Love BigCatsRule

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