They entered the cafeteria, where all the students were separated in groups: jocks, nerds, popular girls.

    He followed Lizzie, as he looked around, fixing his gaze on different people, changing directions fast. He was a curious one.

    He bumped gently in Lizzie, not watching where he's going. He looked at her, her body completely turned to him. Behind her, a table with other students that were staring at him.

     Lizzie smiled and said, " Harry, meet Eva, Stephen, Carmen and Rory. "

    He smiled politely, mumbling a ' Harry ' and took a seat next to Rory, the other seat next to him being occupied by Lizzie.

    The others started talking, him feeling left out a little. Suddenly, he felt a hand touching his. His eyes fell on the hand, then landing on Rory, who gave him a smile, his eyebrows raised.

    " So, Harry. " he begun, retracting his hand, " where are you from? ", Rory asked and Harry looked only at him, also seeing with the side of the eye the others staring at him, waiting for a response.

    " I'm from a small town... hours away from London. " he said, smiling a little.

    " And what made you move here? " Eva asked, tucking her dark hair behind her ear, thrusting her body a little closer to him from across the table.

    " My father got a new job. " he replied, switching the gaze's position to her.

    " That's cool. " she replied smiling, going back to her normal position, her hands wreathing around Stephen's strong arms, then looking at him fondly.

    Harry continued to look around the cafeteria, noting that one table was completely empty.

    " Um... why is that table empty? " he found himself asking mindlessly, his gaze not leaving the interesting spot.

    " That is Louis' table. And his asshole friends. " Rory muttered, rolling his eyes.

    Harry turned to him, " what about them? " his eyes narrowing and his mouth parting.

    " They are the biggest assholes in London High. " Lizzie said. " Especially Louis. "

    Then the cafeteria went silent. Harry's head turned to the door, now opened. Murmurs were heard all across the room. A medium height boy, enters the cafeteria, followed by a bunch of jocks, Harry thinks. The boy had pure white hair, a little bit of scruff, barely noticeable. But Harry's good at noticing details. He tried to see what colour his eyes were.

    The boy, Louis, took a seat at the table, the rest all surrounding him like a king. His head was held high as he dismissively arranged his hair, a rebellious hair strand falling down his forehead, barely touching the skin. He looked at the jocks, then caught Harry off guard. Louis looked at him, his eyes narrowed. They were blue. The white haired boy rolled his eyes at Harry then turned away.

    Harry's jaw almost dropped. That boy attractive. He had a beautiful profile, his nose small and charming hollow cheeks, accompanied by pretty thin lips.

    " Harry, you're staring. " Lizzie snapped him back to reality.

    He blinked, shocking his head. " S-sorry. " he coughed fakely, as he turned to her. He noticed a glint of jealousy in her eyes. Harry ignored it.

    The bell rang, and everyone got out of their seats, crowding at the door wanting to get out of the room. Harry didn't bother to get up, since it was no use, so he just waited for everyone to leave.

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