Twenty three

21 9 1

Crystalina was fragmented into pieces of crystals. Jennifer and Adam stared at the incident with shock. Major Dan tried to fathom what just happened. He looked around and found that Laticia was standing behind him with a bazooka. She was standing next to a dead army man. Major Dan figured out that she had picked up the weapon from the ground.

"Why did you do this?" Major Dan yelled at her.

Hearing the voice of Major Dan, everyone's attention shifted on Laticia.

They were surprised to see the weapon in the hands of Laticia.

"She was an alien! She doesn't belong here!" Laticia exclaimed.

Adam walked angrily towards her and gave her a tight slap. The whole atmosphere echoed.

"You are crazy! First, you instigated me to commit such a blunder and when I finally got the chance to rectify my mistake you snatched that opportunity from me!" Adam yelled at his sister.

"Oh stop blaming me for everything. That Crystalina or whatsoever was a danger to earth and I killed her to save all of us. You should thank me." Latica replied.

As soon as she finished talking, Adam raised his hand to give her another slap but he was stopped by Jennifer.

His baby started to cry.

He calmed himself down and then took a deep breathe.

"You are awful." He said to his sister as he walked away.

Jennifer walked behind him too.

Mr Roger walked pass Laticia and looked into her eyes.

"I didn't expect this from you." He said and walked away.

The army men started to lift the dead bodies of their colleagues. They put them in their trucks and then drove away from the site.

Adam and mr Roger walked to the area where Crystalina was standing just before she exploded to death.

They noticed that her fragments hadn't turned into rocks. They were still crystals.

"Wow. This is incredible." Mr Roger said.

"Indeed. She was an outstanding thing. I wonder if there are others like her out there in the space." Adam replied as he took some of the crystals in his hands.

"That's hard to know. Even if they exist, we should probably let them live their lives over there. In this way we will live ours in peace here." Mr Roger explained.

Adam looked at him.

"All this drama happened because of me. Jake was right. He warned us not to land there but we didn't listen to him. Due to our stubbornness, Jake is dead today." Adam said sadly.

"It's over now Adam. Let's move on." Mr Roger consoled him as he patted Adam's back.

"Yeah." Adam said as he threw the pieces of crystals that he had picked.

"Pick them up." Mr Roger said.

Adam looked at him with confusion.

"We will store them in the lab. Or we can displace them in a museum in the memory of Crystalina." Mr Roger explained.

Adam gave him a smile and then got to work.

They picked up each and every pieces of crystals and took them to the laboratory. The crystals were handed to professionals for investigation and they reported that those were harmless. They were just as normal crystals.

"So, what are you planning to do with that?" Adam asked.

"I think we should preserve them here in the laboratory itself. They will not be safe in a museum. They might get stolen." Mr Roger said.

"As you wish sir." Adam said.

"If the work here is done, can I leave? I have to take Jennifer and the baby for a check up." Adam asked.

"Sure young man. And you can also take a vacation since you just became dad." Mr Roger said as he winked at Adam.

Adam smiled and thanked him happily.

He walked out of the laboratory and went down the corridor. Jennifer was sitting on a bench, playing with her baby. As Adam got closer to her, she noticed that Laticia was sitting next to her. He felt anger coursing through his veins.

He walked quickly and grabbed Laticia's hands.

"What are you doing here? Stay away from my family!" Adam growled at her.

Jennifer and Laticia stood up.

"Adam! What is this behaviour?" Jennifer asked.

"Really? How could you forget what she did?" Adam said with anger.

"You've committed a lot of blunder too. You've played with another female's feelings, which also means that you've cheated on me, yet, I've accepted to forget and forgive you. Then, why not her?" Jennifer explained.

Adam was shocked by her reaction and didn't say a word. He left his sister's hand.

"Adam." Latica called out.

He looked at her in her face.

"I'm so sorry. Can we return back to normal? Please?" Laticia requested as her eyes watered with tears.

"Okay." Adam said and smiled.

Without any delay, Laticia happily hugged her brother.

"Okay okay. Enough now. Let's go. The doctor is waiting." Adam said.

They then headed directly to the hospital.

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