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Jake was reading a magazine in the shuttle when he heard his friends screaming. At first he thought that they were just cheering up out of excitement, so, he didn't bother to go and check.

He continued to concentrate on his magazine but suddenly he heard painful cries that made him jump from his seat. He quickly ran to the door of the shuttle which was already opened and saw the creature who was carrying his friends.

The creature was surely not human. Its whole body was made of crystal, just like the planet was. It was changing colour. From red to blue, from blue to purple  from purple to yellow and so on.

It didn't look scary, but, it looked fascinating. Jake couldn't get his eyes off the monster.
The whole of it was made of crystals. Even its teeth were brightening. It's back consisted of pointed crystals which could be very dangerous. It looked like the back of a hedgehog but the only difference was that its pricks were made of crystals. Its body was shaped like the human body itself but Jake was sure that this thing wasn't human. It was way bigger and its height was about 2 metres long or more.

"Jake! Help!" Laticia shouted.

The siblings were in the extraterrestrial hands of an extraterrestrial creature. They couldn't think of anything apart from death at that moment. They were scared to their toes.

As soon as Laticia called out Jake, the monster's focus was diverted to the shuttle. Jake quickly ran inside and opened a kit from which he took out a hammer.

"A hammer would be enough to break crystals." He thought.

He went out of the shuttle and as soon as he did, he noticed that the monster had thrown Laticia and Adam on the ground. But the bad news was that it was approaching the space craft. Terrified, Jake threw the hammer at it which caused the creature to groan loudly. The hammer hit its shoulder and it started to break. The monster was brittle.  It fell to the ground. Jake was successful in fighting it but things got worst.

Out of nowhere, more creatures started to come out. They were all coming out from the ground. Many of them started to approach the shuttle.

"Guys. Run back here." Jake shouted with fear.

Still terrified, the siblings got up and started to run towards the space shuttle. Unfortunately, as they were running, the ground beneath their feet started to move. Another extraterrestrial creature got up from the ground and caught the siblings.
They both shouted with fear.

Jake tried to think of something but his brain stopped working out of fear.

The other creatures were walking towards the shuttle. Jake couldn't understand what to do.
He ran inside and closed the door of shuttle and decided to leave.

"I'm sorry guys." He muttered to himself.

"Jake NO!" Laticia shouted.

"Please do something Jake!" Adam screamed.

However, Jake had no other options. He started the shuttle and before any of the creature could reach the craft, he flew away in the direction of Earth.

"Jake!!" The siblings shouted.

Alas, it was too late. Their friend had left.

"Adam do something!" Laticia exclaimed with fear.

However they couldn't even move. The creature who had them in its hands started to move. All the others followed it. Surprisingly, they were not walking, but they were actually entering the ground, in the same way when someone gets forced into moving sand. Adam and Laticia could do nothing except for screaming their heart out.

After a few moment, the creatures stopped moving. They were in a weird place, it was like an underground dungeon.

The creature finally left the siblings. They both stood on the ground which was still crystals.

They were both terrified and amazed at same time. They've never seen such a place before. They were still looking here and there when suddenly their gaze focused on something incredible.

Right in front of their eyesight, there was one more creature which was smaller in size than the others. Its figure was feminine. It had a fixed colour. It was not changing from time to time as the others. It was blue, green and pink. It looked like a woman but made up of crystals instead of skin. It was hanging upside down with its eyes closed.
It looked divinely beautiful. Adam couldn't get his eyes off it.

Suddenly, its eyes opened.

All the other creatures knelt down in front of it. Laticia and Adam had no idea what was going on. All they thought of was the end. Soon, they would die either by being killed by these monsters, or by running out of gas.

The female creature stood on its feet. It looked like a glass sculpture.

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It said something in another language which the siblings couldn't understand.
As soon as she finished talking, the other creatures stood up.

The female creature seemed to be the queen of that planet. It was the only one that was different from the rest.
It noticed the two newcomers and started to approach them. It stared at Adam. Finally, it was in front of him, very close to him.

"Please. Let us go." Adam pleaded.

The female creature didn't reply. It struck out both if its hands and placed them on Adam's head. Laticia couldn't watch anymore. She fell unconscious and so did Adam, after a few minutes.

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