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It was already 1 am and Jake couldn't find sleep. He sat on his bed as he played with his fingers.

"Adam and Laticia will never lie. At least not to me. I've known them for years." He murmured to himself.

He cracked his fingers.

"What if.....what if she is really an alien. " he said as he scratched his head.

"I need to find out. But how." He was now sweating and his head was being more scratchy. He scratched again and again. When he stopped, he noticed a strand of his hair on his hands.

"Yes! This is it!" He exclaimed.

He stared at the strand of hair as if it was not hair but a trophy.

"DNA test would reveal her true identity." He said and threw his hair away. He got up from his bed, wore a coat and set out for his mission.

After about one hour, he was standing in front of the glass container in which Crystalina was kept.

She was sleeping gracefully. She looked so beautiful, attractive and innocent. Jake couldn't take his eyes off her. She had a pretty feminine figure.

"She looks perfectly human. Am I doing the right thing?" Jake whispered.

He took a deep breathe and walked to a computer. He turned it on and entered a code. The door of the glass container opened. He entered as quietly as he could and cautiously removed a strand of hair from Crystalina's head who was in deep sleep. Jake felt her hair and noticed that in was not soft at all as normal hair should be. His doubts grew and he quickly got out of the room with the strand of hair within his fingers. He walked directly to the huge laboratory where all important and dangerous tests were carried out.

He kept the hair strand on a tray. Doing so, he heard a noise. He touched the hair strand and felt like it was thicker than before.

"How is this possible? Why is this so hard?" He wondered.

Jake quickly placed the hair cautiously under a microscope and zoomed on to observe it. His confusion increased.

"What is this?" He talked to himself after he examined the hair.

He switched on the computer next to him and tried to search more on the image he observed under the microscope.
After 3 minutes of searching he finally got his answers. His doubt was confirmed!

What he saw under the microscope was a picture of molecules of crystal. That's why it was so thick, unlike human hair.

"Laticia was saying the truth. This girl in an alien." Jake said to himself with shaking lips as he wiped sweat out his forehead.

He switched off the computer as quickly as he could and removed the strand of hair with all precautions. He placed it in a small plastic bag.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. He froze on the spot. He slowly turned around and as he did, his whole body felt numb. He saw a man who had the same look as him. He looked like he was his twin.

"Who are you" Jake asked.

"Me." The man replied but his voice was feminine.

Jake was scared to hell. His whole body was shivering.

He took a step back and shouted : "Who are you? How do you have the same figure and face like mine!"

The man gave him a smile. What Jake saw next was horrific. The man started to transform into something else. He now had a crystal structure. It was no one other than Crystalina, in her original form, her alien form.

"Who are you?" Jake asked.

"Crystalina." She whispered.

Jake took steps back until he reached the table and couldn't move further.

" were... you're not a human." Jake stammered.

"I thought you'd find out by now." Crystalina answered.

" do you know?" Jake asked as fear took control of his body.

"Well. Humans are hilarious." Crystalina said as she approached Jake. She was now close to his face.

"You see, one can never be too careful." She whispered in his ears and then stepped back from him.

"You left the door of my prison open." Crystalina said with a wicked smile on her face. A smile that's wasn't not very welcoming to Jake.

Jake noticed tiny pieces of crystal in Crystalina's hand. She looked at him sternly.

"Listen.... what you're wrong.." Jake stammered.

"What your friends did to me was wrong." Crystalina said with a calm voice.

She walked towards Jake, grabbed his collar and opened his mouth. Her grip was too tight. Jake tried to fight back but in vain. Crystalina held his mouth with only one hand and with the other, she filled Jake's mouth with those crystal.

"Swallow." She ordered.

Jake tried to hold but the crystals were pricking his throat. He started to suffocate and started to choke. Finally, he couldn't stop his sould from leaving his body.

Crystalina stood up, still with the wicked smile on her face.

"One down, many more to go. What you did to me will cost the lives of your whole troop of your planet Adam. You will beg me, but I will show no mercy." She said as she walked out of the laboratory and entered back into the glass container. She changed her appearance again, back to human.

She looked at the door of the glass prison and it closed on its own.

Her hatred, her thirst for revenge and her pain made her more powerful. She had more power to destroy anything.

She sat down in he prison.

"Adam had fooled me with his sweet talks. Now I will fool his friends. I will play with their emotions. I can break everything and start killing everyone one by one right now. But no! First I'll make them trust me. I'll make them believe that I'm human. And then, boom!" She whispered to herself as her hands turned into a fist.

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