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The spacecraft started to move away from the geostationary satellite.

"What a tiring day." Jake said.

"Not sure if it is day or night." Adam, the coworker of Jake smirked at him.

"Oh yeah we're in space hahah." Jake answered and they both started laughing at their joke.

In the meantime, Laticia, Adam's sister entered the compartment.
She took off her gloves and started to scratch her hands.

"What a tiring day." She sighed.

Jake and Adam started to laugh even louder.

"What's funny? It was tiring. Fixing a satellite is not an easy job." Laticia said as she rolled her eyes.

"Nevermind." Jake replied, still laughing with tears in his eyes.

"Men." Laticia murmured as she rolled her eyes.

She moved out of the compartment, but came back running in a few seconds.

"Guys. Look outside." She said, panting.

Jake and Adam walked to the window and both opened their mouth out of amazement.

"What is this?" Jake asked.

"Can't you see? It must be a planet, idiot!" Laticia replied.

" wasn't here when we were coming." Jake answered.

"True." Adam added.

The planet was really bizarre. It was illuminated and looked like a ball of crystal. Being astronauts, Jake, Adam and laticia have never seen this planet before.

Still focusing on the mesmerising view of the planet, Laticia let out a "wow" out of amazement

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Still focusing on the mesmerising view of the planet, Laticia let out a "wow" out of amazement.

"It looks attractive." Adam said.

"Can we land there?" Laticia asked.

"Not sure if that's land." Jake said.

"Oh come on guys. We are astronauts. If we don't discover new things in the space then who will?" Laticia said.

"You mean to say we should land there, get out of the shuttle and roam around? Are you mad?" Jake answered.

"I'm in." Adam replied.

"Seriously?" Jake answered.

Adam didn't reply and walked away.

"Don't be a spoil sport." Laticia smirked.

"You and your brother, you're both crazy." Jake said.

"I know. Family things." Laticia laughed.

"Hey look! The planet is approaching!" Jake exclaimed.

"Jake shut up. We are approaching the planet." Laticia explained.

"Astronauts! Why are you changing directions?" They heard a voice.

The voice was coming from the speaker. Their boss who was following their journey from earth was talking.

"Sir. There is a new planet here and we want to check on it." Adam answered.

"A planet? How? I can't see any planet on the monitor." Their boss said.

"But it is here. We are going there to see if we can discover something else about it." Adam explained.

"Okay astronauts. We're going to keep on monitoring you. But make sure you get back on earth before you run out of oxygen." He replied.

"Noted sir!" Laticia exclaimed and
walked out of the compartment to catch up with her brother who was now controlling the space shuttle.

"I feel like we are gonna regret this." Jake shouted.

After a few minutes, their shuttle finally landed. They were ready for a new adventure. Well not all three of them. Jake was not excited at all. The door of the space craft opened and as they walked out, their mouth opened wider and wider. All they could see was crystals. It was indeed a planet of crystals.

"Wow. We are walking on crystals." Laticia whispered.

"Are those even real crystals?" Jake asked.

"I guess." Laticia answered.

They were now further away from their space shuttle. There were no other souls on that planet.

"That's really bizarre. How come we never noticed this before. This is a great discovery for NASA. A planet of crystals!" Adam said with excitement.

"How about we take some home?" Laticia smirked.

Adam gave her a warm smile.

"Stop right there guys. I don't think it's a good..." Jake was still giving his opinion but the two siblings had already started to collect crystals.

"Stop guys. We don't know if it's safe. It is a new planet and we came here for the first time. We should inspect it more." Jake explained.

"Inspect? For what?" Adam asked.

"What if there are some dangerous creatures in here." Jake answered with worry.

As soon as he said that, Laticia dropped all the crystals that she collected and started to laugh her heart out.

"Oh my God. So, Jake thinks we have aliens in here." She said as she laughed louder.

"Come on Jake. If there were any kind of living things here there would be plants etc. There isn't even soil on this planet." Adam explained.

"Fine whatever. I'm waiting for you in the shuttle." Jake answered and he walked away.

He sat in the shuttle and watched them being greedy about the crystals.

"We shouldn't have brought Jake with us. All he does is spread negativity." Laticia said.

"He is just scared. Let him alone. He will himself join us sooner or later." Adam replied.

Laticia rolled her eyes and turned back to continue her work. Suddenly, her sight fell on an unusual-shaped crystal. Its colour changed from time to time and it was shining very brightly.

Laticia let out a gasp of amazement. She decided to pick it up.

As soon as she touched that crystal, she felt a strong heat in her fingers. The crystal was really very hot. She screamed with pain and quickly took away her hand. Adam came running at her.

"What happened." He asked.

"That thing is too hot. It burned my hand." She explained.

As Adam looked at the crystal, he noticed that it was moving. He pointed at it as his heart rate increased.

"Why is it moving?" Laticia asked with fear.

Suddenly, the land beneath their feet shook and they both fell on the ground.

That crystal was not only a crystal. A weird creature grew out of the ground and grabbed both siblings.

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