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"We need to secure this place. No one should be able to leave or enter without my permission." Mr Roger ordered.

He turned back to walk out of the room and so did the others.

"Adam! Please. You promised me something else!" Crystalina shouted.

Adam watched her crying. However he didn't help. He walked away together with his sister.

Crystalina watched him leaving as the door of that room closed. She was now alone, captivated in a glass container. Her tears stopped falling. The crystals that were formed from her tears were turning into tiny rocks.

"What you did was not right Adam. I won't spare....anyone." Crystalina said as her hands turned into a fist.

She stood up and walked closer to the glass. She was still in human disguise.

"I... won't...spare!" She shouted as she breathed heavily and then punched the glass container with all her strengths.

However, the glass didn't break. She heard steps and voices.

"This better not be a joke." She heard.

Soon, Mr Roger, Laticia and the commissioner entered the room. Some soldiers followed them.

"Here she is." Laticia said.

"But, she is a human. Are you trying to tell me this girl is an alien?" Commissioner Jordan asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. She transformed herself into human." Laticia explained.

"Then tell her to go back to her original form. We cannot bring her in front of the minister and tell him that this human is an alien. He will laugh at us." Commisioner Jordan explained as he tried to prevent himself from laughing.

Mr Jordan was not believing them at all since Crystalina looked completely as a normal human. Her transformation was genuine.

"But,... I dont know how to do that.. please. You have to believe us!" Laticia pleaded.

"Stop. You are wasting my time." Mr Jordan said.

"No commisioner! Whatever we are saying is true. You were not here when she was crying. Her tears were turned into tiny crystals. See inside the container." Mr Roger explained as he pointed his finger towards Crystalina.

"So, now you mean to say aliens cry?" Mr Jordan said.

He couldn't hold on anymore. He started to laugh.

Laticia looked disappointed by the commissioner's reaction.

Crystalina looked at her and smiled wickedly.

"Sir. Please take me out of here. They want to trap me in their games." Crystalina talked.

After hearing her voice, mr Jordan stopped laughing. He watched her closely.

"You... you can talk?" He asked with surprise.

"Yes she can! Because she is an alien. Can't you hear her voice? It''s different. It's extraterrestrial!" Laticia desperately tried to explain.

"I was stuck in a different planet for years! My voice is bound to change." Crystalina shouted.

She looked sternly at Laticia. The latter felt goosebumps all over her body.

"But why did Laticia and Adam said that you can't talk? And how do you explain those crystals?" Mr Roger immediately asked.

His question caught the attention of the commissioner.

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