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Adam slowly opened his eyes. Everywhere was dark. He woke up with a headache.

"Ahh. It was all a dream." He said to himself.

He sat up and turned around to see his sister, still unconscious by his side.

"No it wasn't a dream." He said as his heart started pounding faster.

"Laticia! Wake up." He whispered.

He shook his sister to wake her up. After a few more trials, finally Laticia got up. She seemed lost.

"We need to get out of here." Adam explained.

"I'm too scared Adam. They will kill us." Laticia said.

"We can at least try." Adam answered.

"Come on. Get up." Adam ordered as he lent his hand to his sister.

The siblings got up and started to walk on their tiptoe. However everywhere was filled with darkness. They were only walking randomly. They had no idea where to proceed.

Suddenly, the atmosphere lighted up. They found themselves back in the same crystal area as they were before losing consciousness.

They heard footsteps behind them.

Fear took control of them and their reflex stopped working. They could neither run away nor turn around to see who or what was coming towards them.

The footsteps sounded louder and louder until finally someone, or more precisely, something stood in front of them. It was the female creature.

It stood in front of the siblings and stared at them. It was mostly staring at Adam.

"Why did you come here?" It asked, in a bizarre tone.

Its voice wasn't smooth. It was a bit noisy, as if the radio broadcast when it gets interrupted.

"You can talk?" Adam asked, while stammering with fear.

"Yes. I stole your language when I placed my hands on your head." It answered.

"Listen. Please, I beg of you. Let us go." Laticia said.

The female creature said nothing but it only smiled.

"Please. We only came here because we were attracted by the planet. We have no other motive." Adam explained.

Both siblings had there knees trembling.

"Maybe you didn't have any motive before coming here. But if I send you back to your planet, then you'll have a motive to come back. A motive to kill me and my troop." The female creature said.

"No. No not at all. We won't do such a thing." Laticia assured.

"Humans humans." The creature said as it smiled and walked away.

"Please! Listen to us. We will die. We do not have enough gas. Let us go!" Laticia shouted.

The creature stopped.

It turned back to face the siblings. It bent to pick a crystal and then it threw it on the ground which caused the crystal to crash. The sound of the crashing crystal echoed through the whole place. Soon, the other creatures appeared in the underground dungeon. They all bowed down to the female creature. It muttered something which was beyond the understanding of the siblings and all the other creatures lifted their gaze up.

It again said something in another language. It seemed like it was ordering the other creatures to do a task. After it finished talking, all the other creatures started to walk towards the siblings.

"What's happening. What did you tell them?" Adam asked, terrified.

One of the giant creatures grabbed both of them and then turned to face the female creature.

"Listen human. Stop asking me questions. Here, you don't reply me back, you only obey. I am Crystalina, the Queen of the Crystal planet. If you disobey me, you die." That's all she said.

She then broke a piece of crystal from her left hand. That piece of crystal was supposed to be her finger.

She approached the siblings who were both scared to death. She said something to the creature who was holding them up.
The creature put them on the ground but remained behind them so that they do not flee.

Crytalina looked at them fixedly.

"It will hurt a bit, but okay." She said and out of a sudden she broke the glass of the space helmet of Adam and pricked him in the neck with the piece of crystal. Adam screamed with pain and so did laticia out of terror.

She then snatched the crystal out. Adam fell on the ground. She then turned to Laticia who now had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Please. No please." She begged as she sobbed.

But no mercy for her.

Crystalina did the same to her as she did to Adam.

After she took back the piece of crystal from Laticia's neck, she fixed it back to her hand and it fitted perfectly.

"Get up!" She ordered.

Adam stood up and took out his broken space helmet completely. Laticia did the same and they both could breath. They didnt feel any kind of suffocation, instead, they felt normal.

"How... how can that be?" Adam asked in surprise.

Crytalina smirked and then took a few steps back.

"You may live here with us now. No one will hurt you, unless,.." she paused and her smile fade away.

"Unless you humans try to hurt us. I saved your life. You would never be able to run back to your home without a space craft. Your gas would have ended and you would have died. But I saved you. So remain grateful." She warned.

The siblings were left speechless. They were still shocked by the incident.

Crystalina smiled at them.

"Welcome to Crystal planet." She said, still smiling and then she disappeared together with the other creatures.

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