Chapter 24 | bonding

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With L down at the makeshift taskforce hotel room organising for Light to be locked up for a while, you were stuck baby sitting the kids. You didn't mind that much, you did need to bond with them more since you and L are basically their primary careers now.

The attack a block away was under control and the attackers in question arrested. Hopefully there's a way to get them to talk and reveal the monster hunters headquarters. You sat on the floor of the lounge room on the hidden floor of the work in progress taskforce. The kids all entertaining themselves with drawing pictures.

"Ichigo, did L's heart patch stop dripping?" Matt spoke up.

"Yeah it did, you know why?" You replied.

Mello jumped up, wanting to get to the answer before anyone else could.

"He found his purpose!" He exclaimed.

"Yep. He was born to protect those who are important. So you guys, the taskforce, the orphanage..."

"And you?" Near said.

"Yeah, and me..."

"Are you and L dating?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, we are"

"So he's gotta like, super protect you?"

"You could put it like that yes" you laughed.

"Night crawlers are the only creature born without a purpose right? What's the purpose of an angel?" Mello asked.

He was right. Weather you for fulfil that purpose is up to you, but each mythic is born with a set of powers and a body that is designed to do something that helps the world. Matt is an imp, he can manipulate basic elements. So the purpose of an imp is to help maintain the balance of those elements. Mello is a dragon hybrid, along with flight he can breathe fire. The purpose of a dragon hybrid would be to help with defence, keeping those around them safe form attack. And Near, a Fox yokai with the abilities of a Fox itself. Heightened sense of hearing, smell, sight, speed. He would have the purpose to help maintain a clean environment for other yokai as they're sensitive to different habitats.

No creature has to dedicate their life to their purpose per se, they can fulfil their own dreams and goals. But it's always something on the back burner. A Forrest spirit would help an injured animal out of habit, while their ultimate life goal is to become a musician.

Angels were no different in that regard. Just like any other creature they have a purpose and something that stand for.

"Well... we stand for purity, innocence and love. We make sure everyone is kind to each other, their souls remain pure, and everyone is loved. So, I guess you could say our purpose is positivity. But it's not like we're always positive, there can be bad days just like any other creature. But if we see a chance to help someone, we'll take it. That's why you see lots of angels running charities and in the police force, we want to help people. It's a habit wired into us. And we want to make sure everyone is loved no matter what they're like. You've gotta do something really really bad to make an angel hate you" you explained.

"What about demons? Don't angels and demons have tension?" Mello asked.

"That's because demons are the opposite of us. They stand for chaos and disorder. We need a little bit of that in the world to make it go round of course. But there tends to be tension because demons are usually the root cause of all angel's problems. But not all demons are had people, they have just the right amount of mischievous. In fact, one of my aunts who's an angel married a demon. We can be friends, we can love each other, but it's rare. Most of us just agree to disagree and be respectful of each other's stance and try to stay out of each other's way" you continued.

Finding purpose • L Lawliet x reader//monster AU • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now