Chapter 23 | panic

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Thanks to the rather rude sun, and the sound of the TV on and console starting up, you'd awoken pretty early.

When you walked into the other room, you found the kids already awake and playing video games against each other, matt winning by a landslide. You also found L reading a cookbook. That's unusual for him.

"Good morning mister nocturnal, shouldn't you be asleep?" You said.

He looked up from the book and looked at the clock.

"Someone has to take care of the kids. We're moving into taskforce early... I have to secure this floor so none of the taskforce know about it. That way the kids will be key secret. Also they need breakfast" he said.

You leaned over the table to look at the book as he flipped though recipes. Usually Watari would take care of the food, but he was with the taskforce today. The plan was to move into taskforce by next month, some floors will still be under construction but with the looming threat of monsters hunters a safer place was needed fast.

"Has Misa said anything?" You asked.

"Nope, still keeping her mouth shut. At one point she tried to use her powers to get out of her restraints but since her eyes are covered it had no effect on any of us" L explained.

It's been a few weeks since Misa was restrained under suspicion of being the second Kira. She was under constant watch.

"Here I'll make the kids some breakfast. You go watch her. And talk to the taskforce about moving in" you offered.

"Thanks, I'm hopeless at cooking"

"I'll make you something too"

You leaned up to kiss his cheek, some of his black tears getting on your lips. Salty... was that what all his ectoplasm tasted like? He smiled, retuning the favour with a kiss on your cheek and with that left to go watch Misa. After looking through the book you decided on French toast and whipped up a batch. Enough for all five of you and a few extra for seconds. Pouring some drinks as well, you set the table.

"KIDS! BREAKFAST IS READY!" You called out.

It was silent for a moment, the you heard quick footsteps rushing down the halls and in skidded Mello and Matt, racing for the end chair.

"French toast, hell yeah!" Matt said, getting to the chair before Mello.

"Hey, cheater! You got a head start!" Mello replied.

"You could have flown but you didn't"

Then out came Near, dragging his teddy along with him and looking rather sleepy. 

"Good morning guys" you said.

"Good morning" they replied in unison.

Near climbed into his chair and found he was too short for the table, prompting him to sit on his knees. He was very short for his age...

"You guys sleep well?" You asked.

"I did" Mello said.

"It would have been better if you didn't snore all night" Matt sassed.

"I did not!"

"You did" Near jumped in.

Mello scoffed, reaching for his juice.

"I growl, not snore. I'm a dragon hybrid remember. And you're one to talk Matt you have glowing veins, that keeps people up"

"Near?" You asked.

"Yeah... but I would like more pillows. I like to make dens..." he replied.

Well, he was a fox yokai. That didn't seem out of the ordinary.

Finding purpose • L Lawliet x reader//monster AU • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now