Chapter 12 | protection

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L's been acting strange today, maybe it was the lack of sleep, maybe it was the light peaking in from the curtains that bothered him, who knows. But he seemed awfully quiet... well, quieter than usual. Not only that he seemed to be more subtly aware of his surroundings. If someone got within close proximity to you he'd watch them, make sure you're safe then look away before you could notice.

He seemed to have a lot on his mind today.

As it was the day after the tennis match with Light, and the chief having a heart attack, the taskforce were a little out of it, functioning without a commander. But things were getting done, L had typed is his report on Light, you'd made notes about that strange aura you felt and the taskforce we're going through all the recent heart attack victims. You were getting decent work done, examining the footage of Lights house you'd captured earlier that month, looking for any abnormalities. You weren't really having much luck, all the man did was study.

Your phone went off as you were watching and you picked it up, looking at the message you'd received. It turned out to be form Mr Yagami.

I've sent Light over with some reports I forgot to bring back. They're in a sealed envelope so he couldn't read them. He'll be outside the hotel.

You got up from your chair and walked over to L, holding the phone in front of him for him to read it.

"Oh, yeah. Those are the ones we've been missing..."

L grabbed his glasses and threw them on, looking out the window to see Light standing by the entrance to the hotel.

"I'll go get them"

"I'm coming!"

That... was rather quick. L sure jumped on that really fast.

"Ok? Here" you said, handing him his umbrella.

You both made your way down to the entrance and found Light leaning against the entrance sign.

"Light, Hey. Thanks for bringing them" you said, walking up to him.

"You're welcome. I didn't look at them, promise" he replied.

"You better not have, they're confidential" L said.

"I didn't don't worry. Wasn't expecting to see you out in the day again Ryuzaki"

"Well... I've been sitting around all day, may as well get up and do something for once"

That's unlike L... you knew he'd much rather just lounge around all day than get up.

"Oh, Ichigo, you left your pencil case at the hospital"

Light reached into his bag and pulled out your small purple pencil case, holding it out for you.

"Oh! That's where it went, thank you"

You reached out to grab it from him, your hands temporarily making contact. As your hand brushed against his to grab it, you heard something... not really a growl but more like a creepy low pitched screech, it was quiet, only for a few seconds as you made contact with Light. Light didn't seem to notice it but you could hear it clearly.

Was that L?

You glanced over at him but you couldn't really see his expression behind his glasses. Did he just growl at you touching Light?

"I've gotta get to uni, I'll see you guys later" Light said.

"Ok, thanks for bringing everything. Bye!" You replied.

You watched him turn and walk away, then you turned to L.

"What was that? Was that low pitched noise you?"

He looked away slightly and scratched his neck.

"Y-Yeah... sorry... that happens when I get hostile..." he said.

"Hostile? What about my pencil case makes you go hostile mode?"

You knew night crawlers could go hostile but you'd never seen it happen. Apparently when they go full blown hostile it can be kind of creepy.

"It's not that... it's just..."

He sighed.

"I don't trust Light near you, he was getting too close for comfort..." he said.

"Why the sudden extra suspicion?" You asked.

He tried to think of what to say, but couldn't find the words. He grabbed your wrist and bought your hand up to his heart, over the red stain on his shirt. It was dry... no ectoplasm dripping through it.

"You're heart patch stopped?" You asked.


"So you found a purpose?!"

"Yeah pretty much"

You smiled and pulled him into a sudden hug, not caring he'd stain your clothes. He was slightly shocked from the sudden action and froze for a moment.

"That's great! See I know you'd find it eventually! What is it?" You exclaimed, pulling back from the hug.


He didn't know if he was ready to tell you that his purpose was to protect you and only you. So he took a second to think about what to say, he ended up deciding to only tell you half of the reason, he wasn't quiet ready to tell you it was all about you yet. He was still trying to figure out his feelings for you.

"It's protection, my purpose is to protect important people..." he blushed.

"Aw that's sweet, I'm important enough am I?" You replied.

"Y-Yeah. And Light is a threat so I got a little hostile when he touched you"

You were actually kind of honoured that you were important enough to him that he'd even go hostile to protect you. That level of dedication you'd never had in a friend before.

"As long as I'm alive no harm will come to you-"

As he spoke, the air around him started to go a little dark, his voice began to echo a little.

"-Light won't lay a finger on you... he'll have to go through me first..."

As he spoke you noticed something you found cool.

"Woah! Your teeth!" You said.

His aura immediately went back to normal and his voice went back to a quiet level.

"My teeth?" He questioned.

"Yeah! They went all pointy!"

"O-oh... yeah that happens when I go hostile..."

"So your voice goes all echoy, your aura turns dark, your teeth go pointy, you growl and what else?"

"My nails turn to claws, I get increased speed and drip a lot more rapidly"

"Dude! That's actually so cool!" You smiled.

"R-really? Most people find it scary..." he stammered.

"Even though I'm an angel, I still like creepy stuff"

He smiled, he was about to open his mouth to say something else when there was suddenly a loud banging noise and you both looked up to find people staring to run off he streets, fly into the sky and jump into the waterways to swim off.

"What's going on?" You questioned.

You suddenly saw three people with masks in black with guns approach the street corner.

"Monster hunters... get inside, NOW!

Finding purpose • L Lawliet x reader//monster AU • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now