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"They're onto us. Have you seen them lately? The angel has been constantly looking over her shoulders"

"(Y/n)? Yeah, she definitely knows somethings up"

The dark room was filled with the sounds of a quiet air conditioner and the occasional flick of paper being sorted.

"And the Night Crawler, he's been watching the windows a lot"

"Speaking of, did you ever get the info on the kids back in England?"

The files of said kids were pulled out, the Fox Yokai, the Dragon hybrid and the Imp. All boys around 5-7 residents of England but may have connections to the night crawler in japan.

"A bit... I get the feeling the fox knows. They can hear very well after all, it's hard for the guys down in England to sneak around with a fox as a suspect. Not to mention the dragon and fly and see from above"

"Well, what did you get?"

"They all seem to be residing in the same building, but aren't related. A boarding school? An orphanage? But there's other kids there, quite young. There's definitely a barrier spell on the building, we can't get too close to it without being forcefully shoved back"

"Hmm... that makes things difficult..."

The three files spread on the table before them.

Near, fox yokai, male, 5 years of age.
Possessing incredible hearing and sense of smell, fast, sneaky and cunning. Complete with a fluffy while tail and ears that match his hair.

Mello, dragon hybrid, male, 7 years of age.
Ability to fly and spit fire. Possesses wings, a tail and horns as well as patches of scales along the cheeks, nose and shoulders.

Matt, imp, male, 6 years of age.
Most human looking but very powerful for his age. Veins on the arms, legs and by the eyes that glow blue. Ability to manipulate basic elements, water, fire, earth, air. Can create fire balls, spray water form hands, create gusts of wind, and make the ground shake.

All are able to turn hostile, but at their ages aren't as strong.

"What significance do they have to the night crawler?"

"At first we thought maybe he was their dad... but they look nothing alike and to our knowledge, he would have at to be about 15-17 when the children were born. Which isn't impossible sure, but unlikely. The night crawler has black hair and black eyes, and is super pale. The fox has white hair, purple eyes, nothing like him. And the dragon? Blue eyed blond, the imp, blue eyed redhead. That and their species are totally different"

"No blood-relation at all? Not cousins or nephews?"

"None, so we scratched that idea. Now we're thinking maybe there's an adoptive or mentor/tutor relation. Maybe even just a babysitter. But they definitely have something to do with the night crawler"

"Can we obtain photos of them?"

"We're working on it. First we really have to figure out what that building is. When we have that figured out, we can figure out the relevance to the night crawler"

There was a sudden beep on the computer in the room, the word 'boss' as the contact name. A few images attached.

"What's that about?"

The file was opened, showing pictures of the angel talking to a mermaid at the docks with a few messages attached.

"Boss said the agents down on the field yesterday saw (y/n) talking to a mermaid. They exchanged food and a jar of something, seem like something we should investigate?"

The picture was clicked on, and examined closer.

"No, it seems like a personal favour not really anything too suspicious. But... to be safe, let's watch the windows a little more to see what they do with it"

Meanwhile in England, it was lunchtime and the kid were outside playing and eating at the outdoor table sets before class started again.

"Hey that's not fair! You can fly!"

"Shoulda thought about that before kicking me the ball Matt!"

The imp waved his hand, creating a gust of wind that knocked the dragon out of the air.

"Tch, well played air-bender" Mello sassed.

"Should have thought of that before playing with an imp Mells" Matt sassed back.

Mello kicked the ball to Matt, playing kick-to-kick by themselves as the other kids finished their food. They were the first to be allowed to play because they finished up pretty quick, gotta eat fast if you wanna get your hands on a soccer ball.

Mello felt a small tug in his wing, making him turn to see the small fox boy he had a frenemy relationship with.

"What loser?"

"They guy is watching us again..." Near said.

That got Mello's attention, he turned to face where Near was looking. Nears fox ears twitching as the sounds from around him registered.


"Behind the ghost gum tree"

"What's going on?" Matt said, walking over with the ball.

"It's the guy again..." Mello replied gesturing to the tree.

Sure enough there was the same shadowy figure they'd been seeing for weeks now. It followed them when they went to the park, to the corner shop, when they played in the streets, everywhere.

"Why are they only following us?" Matt asked.

"Maybe they know something about Wammys?" Near replied.

"But it's us specifically, and only us. I think they know we're L's successors..." Mello added.

Matt was still confused, how would they know that?

"How? We've never told our real names, or where we lived to anyone. We don't go to a public school either we have school here..."

The fox's tail swished as the thought of ideas on what this may be. The dragons eyes sharpened to get a better look and the imp did the best he could to try and sneakily make the wind blow the leaves of the tree out of the way to see better. Whoever it was was wearing all black and a mask, holding some kind of camera.

"Guys..." Near began.

"Yeah?" The others said in unison.

"Maybe we should tell Roger about this..."

The older boys thought for a moment, would that be right? It might alarm the staff... but it may fix the problem... Mello sighed and spoke up.

"I think we better tell Roger and L..."

Finding purpose • L Lawliet x reader//monster AU • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now