Chapter 11 | realisation

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From the tennis courts, to the cafe, to a hospital room.

This was not how you saw this day going. Turns out Cheif Yagami had a stress related heart attack. Honestly, the second your heard heart attack you thought it was Kira, but luckily it wasn't and he was alive.

"So doctors say stress is the only problem?" Light asked.

"Yes, it's all stress related, to be honest, I thought it was Kira when I first collapsed" His father replied.

That dark aura was still following you, it made it kind of hard to focus on the situation but you had to keep your head out of the clouds now.

"Well, I wouldn't be too surprised... this case is really kicking us about..." L added.

"You should take as much time off as possible, we can live for a while without you. You need to recover properly!" You said, your angelic personality taking over.

"The doctors wouldn't let me leave anyway, they want to keep me here until it's ok to be back at work. I'm guessing you all talked about the case?"

"Yes, and Light is aware of my identity" L replied.

"I honestly found it a little hard to believe at first, but make no mistake this man is definitely L"

That was the confirmation Light needed. Maybe it was just your distaste for him but you could have sworn his eyes flashed when he heard those words. You heard the door open and turned to see a nurse.

"Excuse me, visiting hours were over 10 minutes ago"

"Oh sorry! We'll leave!" You apologised.

You all got up, ready to go back home.

"Make sure to rest up ok? Get better soon!"

"Don't let the taskforce get out of control while I'm gone, I expect an angel to be able to lead the way" Mr. Yagami replied.

"I'll make sure they do their work, promise"

Light wished his father well and you all left the hospital. You found Watari waiting in the car out from to take you and L back to the hotel. Even if you didn't like Light that much, your inner angel kindness told you to wish him well anyway.

"Be safe walking home this late" You said.

"I'll be fine don't worry, it was nice properly meeting you" he replied.

"You too, bye!"

You folded your wings in and got into the car as L exchanged goodbyes with Light.

"Well, it was definitely an interesting day. I'll see you later I guess" L said.

"You could say that, but before you go can I ask something?"

"Ok? What is it?"

"Are you and Ichigo like... a couple?"

L's cheeks went red under his black tears.

"N-no what makes you think that?" He stammered.

"You just seem to be close. And pretty protective of each other. Well I'll see you around I guess, bye"


L turned and got into the car, kind of confused and flustered.

He closed the door and buckled in and Watari began to drive off.

"What was that about?" You asked.

"J-just more pointless goodbyes" L replied.

Lights words caught him off guard. Did you really looked like a couple to him? It seems now the idea was in his head he couldn't get it out.

"Hmm..." you humed

L turned to face you.

"Notice how that aura is gone now?"

"Now that you mention it... yeah it is" he replied.

"I think that confirms whatever it is is connected to light. I don't trust that at all..."

"Neither do I"

You got back to the hotel pretty quick and up to your room even quicker. L had a headache from being in the sun too long and wanted to just dwell in darkness for a while and you wanted to take a shower and sleep for a while. When you got inside and closed the door behind you, you put your bag on the counter and L practically smacked the light sensitivity glasses off his face.

"I'm going to take a shower and go to bed, I'll see you in the morning. But still, wake me if you need anything" you said, turning to walk down the hall to your room.

"Ok, goodnight"

"Goodnight you fruit bat"

L shook his head at the nickname. Ha ha... bats are nocturnal and so he and he ate lots of sweet fruits, very funny.

He sat down in the dark, needing a moment for his headache to go away before he continued working. But that thought just wouldn't leave his mind.

"Are you and Ichigo like... a couple?"

A couple...

Couples hug... and kiss... and other stuff... couples are in love.

What does love feel like?

Couples are protective of each other... right? Is that why he got so nervous when you were talking to that incubus. Because he wanted to protect you? Was his first friend turning into a crush? So many questions raced through his mind.

You were the only one that didn't care about being touched by his ectoplasm covered hands. You were the only one that accepted his hugs, the only one that cared enough to get him the light sensitivity glasses, the only one that didn't find him unsettling... it made him feel... special. Like he actually meant something in the world.

That's when he noticed something.

His heart patch.

The patch of skin over his heart, shaped like a heart, that seeped red ectoplasm instead of black and would stain his shirts. It... wasn't dripping anymore.

Suddenly the dots connected.

He saw you sparkle and no one else did. He felt most comfortable around you. He craved your company. You made him feel loved. His heart patch stopped dripping... that only happens when a night crawler finds their purpose...

Though the stains would never wash out of his shirts, the red dripping had stopped.

It was you...

You were his purpose.

More specifically... protecting you, that was his purpose.

The lonely night crawler that never felt he belonged, had finally figured out what he was put in his earth to do.

Every other creature was born with a purpose. Not night crawlers, they have to find it, and work hard to find it. And his purpose was protection.

Protecting you.

Finding purpose • L Lawliet x reader//monster AU • Death NoteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang