Chapter 4 | dinner date

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You'd talked to L at the meeting, and made arrangements to meet up at at sunset. You were going to a French bakery that offered a picnic style establishment and lots of pastries and cakes, you knew L would like it. It's not a very healthy dinner, but hey, you were out to enjoy yourself.

The sun was just starting to go down, you stood outside the bakery and waited for the night crawler, you were half expecting him to be a little later because of the light, but that was ok. Your goal was to get to know him more.

You knew there were some things he'd probably never tell you, but there were some things you wanted to know.

Where was he from? He has a bit of an accent. You were multi lingual so maybe you could speak to him in other languages. Did being a night crawler have any negative side effects on him? You'd heard that 87% of night crawlers have some kind of mental illness because there more prone to it. What kind of music did he listen to? Was he enjoying the company of the taskforce? So many questions.

You kicked at the ground as you waited, watching the sun slowly go down. It was golden hour, the sun was creating a dim but golden lighting that wouldn't last much longer. Soon I'd be replaced by a more purple colour and then by the black of night.

You looked down the road, seeing nothing but cars. But when you looked down the pathway, you saw the shadow of a parasol. You looked up to find the detective himself floating up to you. Holding a black parasol over his head and a blue rain umbrella under his feet to catch his drips as to not ruin public property.

"Ryuzaki, you're early" you said, walking up to him. Remembering to use his alias in the process.

He held the parasol over both your heads so he could see you better. Night crawlers aren't used to the light.

"I didn't want to keep you waiting, plus the sun will be down soon anyway" he replied, in a quiet tone.

He seemed to gently bob up and down as he floated, like the wind under his feet was carrying him with it.

"Yeah, only about 30 minutes before it gets darker. You don't have to worry about money, I'll pay for it"


"No, it was my idea to take you out. I'll pay"

"O-ok... by the way you know how many people have been looking at me? Seeing a night crawler is rare enough but one in the day? Even rarer" he giggled.

Jesus fucking Christ. He giggled like a fucking gift from god. Why have you not noticed that before?

"Yeah, it must be a bit of a shock. Not to worry, soon all your nocturnal friends will be out" you replied.

You grabbed his sleeve and used his flotation to your advantage being able to pull him into the bakery like a helium balloon. You were served by a very nice whisp who was glowing blue and had piercing purple eyes, she gave you a spot outside to sit. She was all very ok with having a night crawler sit in the grass even though it'd leave a patch of ectoplasm behind. She was actually pretty interested to see a night crawler during the day but didn't really say anything.

She took your order and handed you a picnic blanket and number. You lay out the picnic blanket and placed the number on it. You sat on the side the sun was, using your wings to block the sun from L.

He sat in his usual curled up position and put his umbrella and parasol aside.

"(Y/n), I must ask" he began.


"Why exactly did you want to take me out? I know you said you wanted to be friends but... why?"

Finding purpose • L Lawliet x reader//monster AU • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now