Chapter 22 | babysit

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Well, it was now time for you take on the possibly the hardest part of this case. Taking care of three little boys.

You were the one sent to pick them up, to protect L's identity from the drop off girl X. In order to hide the boys form the taskforce, you were to move into the new taskforce building early and so would L. There's some hidden floors that they'll be living on. After all, it was your job to protect the boys from possible hunters.

You rolled up at the airport, in search of the young successors. It didn't take too long to spot them. Especially because a certain dragon boy was determined to stretch his wings after the long flight.

Approaching the group, you made eye contact with X who immediately recognised you.

"Ichigo, right?" She asked, using your alias.

"Yeah that's me" you replied, pulling out your police ID to prove it.

"All the arrangements are made?"

"Everything's secure. I'll take good care of them I promise. L would kill me if I didn't"

"You know I'm actually surprised he revealed all this to you. Even some of us back at the orphanage don't know what he looks like"

"Woah really? He really is allusive"

You took the boys bags off X, piling them into the car. X called the boys over, the three of them stopping their game of tag to come meet you.

"Ok, this is Ichigo and she's with L. She'll be taking care of you alongside L until the case is over ok?" She explained.

Now that you could see the boys in person you could see everything L described them as was spot on. Mellos eyes were exactly like that of a reptile, Matt's veins had a bright blue grow you could even see through his shirt, and Near? Well he was seriously a human Fox. Bushy tail, fluffy ears and all.

"It was fun to fly with you guys but I have to go now. While here in japan I'm visiting some friends. But you can definitely trust Ichigo ok?"

They nodded in understanding and with a few hugs, X was off to get a train to a hotel.

"Ok, jump in and we'll go home. L's waiting" you said.

The boys obeyed you, well... kind of.

Matt was cool with the backseat, but L did warn you Mello and Near got into arguments a lot.

"I want the front!"

"I'm older than you!"

"Your wings are too big!" Near whined.

"Are not! I got to the door first!" Mello fired back.

Oh lord, this would be a fun babysitting job.

"Ok, ok! Calm down. Let's sort this..." you said.

You remembered a certain trick L mentioned, and it seemed you'd be using this a lot.

"Mello, I've got some chocolate at home. It's only a 15 minute drive so if you let Near take the front I'll give you some chocolate"

He was silent for a moment, but you knew he'd give in from the look on his face.

"Fine..." He caved.

Now that the quarrel had been sorted and everyone was safely in the car you decided to get to talking to them more. If you'd be looking after them, you may as well know more about them.

"Matt, L said you're a gamer?" You asked.

"Yeah! I have all the high scores at the arcade at home, no one can beat me" he smiled.

Finding purpose • L Lawliet x reader//monster AU • Death NoteDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora