Chapter 20 | the truth

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As requested, you'd taken a detour. Instead of going straight home, you both decided to hang at the docks and sit on the jetty where you'd made your mermaid friend earlier that month. You watched the sun go down, the darkness meaning L now did need his umbrella. He took off his glasses, stuffing them in his pocket.

"Even if I'm slightly blind in the day, the night looks pretty normal..." he said.

"Well you are built to survive at night, you are a night crawler" you replied.

"The soft glow you give off helps"

Now it was darker, your glow was brighter. You'd never need to bring a flashlight as long as you were around to light the way.

"So you were going to tell me something?" You asked.

He sighed, hovering on the edge of the jetty.

"Yeah... I haven't been totally honest with you" he said.

You were confused. About what? You were sure he'd already told you everything you needed to know, what was he hiding.

"About?" You questioned.

"My purpose"

His purpose? Well he couldn't have lied that he found it. His heart patch stopped dripping ages ago so he definitely did. So what was it he'd kept from you?

"When I said my purpose was protection... I wasn't specific" he said.

"Ok, tell me then"

He turned to face you, with a sincere look. He was serious about whatever he was going to say. Through the darkness and his inky tears you could see a pink tint on his cheeks.

"Night crawlers can have any purpose, it can be a passion, hobby, job, anything. Or... anyone. My purpose is to protect... to protect you specifically. That's why I kept seeing you with that starry effect, like you were dripping glitter. That happens when a night crawled spots their purpose, and you are my purpose" he confessed.

You were at a loss for words for a moment. You? Some random angel was the purpose of the worlds greatest detective? You felt honoured and shy at the same time. You'd come to the conclusion that you did indeed have feelings for L, so does this mean he returns them?

"S-so... is your purpose to protect me... does that mean you-"

"Love you? Yes, very much. I always thought I'd die isolated, but I guess I was wrong. I was put on this earth to keep you safe. I wanted to tell you now because the case is getting dangerous, and I want you to know that if anything were to happen to you I'd come looking for you"

You took a second to process that. It was like all the weight of life was just lifted off your shoulders. Like now you and L were carrying even weight that you shared. You felt bubbly and like floating on clouds inside.

It made sense now that you thought about it, that time you were at threat, L almost went hostile. The glittery effect he kept mentioning, it was all because of you.

"I... well. I thought that maybe you had some connection with me but I didn't expect this... but, I love you too. If you're going to spend your life protecting me, I'll protect you" You smiled.

He smiled back, looking down at his feet in shyness.

"S-So does that mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend?" He stammered.

"If you want"

"Yeah, I'd like that..."

Your smile widened, L could have sworn your soft glow got brighter as you did. You took a step toward him, opening your arms for a hug but he put his hands up to stop you.

"I'll stain your clothes" he said.

"I don't care. You're worth a few stains" you replied.

He lowered his arms, letting you embrace his cold body. Your warmth made his heart flutter. Barely anyone would touch him because of how much of a mess it'd make, but you just didn't care. He loved you so much for that. He wrapped his arms around you, you could feel the ectoplasm soak though your shirt but you didn't give a damn in the world.

"I won't ever let any harm come to you" he said.

"Thank you..." you replied.

You looked up at him, gently pushed on his shoulders to stop him hovering off the ground and bring him to a height you could reach. Then before he could process it, you leaned in for a kiss.

Your lips touched his, he froze in shock for a moment. He wasn't expecting it so quick, but he wasn't complaining. Easing into the kiss, he returned the favour and let you take control. The kiss lasted until you felt the need for air and broke away, hands on his chest as his sat on your waist.

He gave you a look, like he was processing what just happened. You giggled at his shock and he snapped out of it.

"S-shut up... I've never been kissed before..." he stammered.

"I just took your first kiss? Awww, It's an honour" you cooed.

The moon now completely out and all the nocturnal creatures coming out to play, you both knew it was time to head back to taskforce.

"Come on, let's get back home. When the taskforce go to sleep we can spend more time together" you smiled.

He obliged, letting you hold his hand and pull him along as he floated like a balloon back to taskforce. He felt as if a huge weight was gone, it was best to tell you after all. And he already knew he'd be buzzing from that kiss for days.

Finding purpose • L Lawliet x reader//monster AU • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now