Chapter 17 | potion study

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"I have a night crawler friend. We're trying to make a potion that will temporarily stop him dripping and we think moonpool water will help"

"Well it does work wonders for pain and headaches. I think that would help with the side effects" the mermaid said.

You'd wandered down to the beach on your way to the bakery for L. And the local pod of mermaids were handing around by the jetty, just as you thought. You didn't really know them personally but you had said hi a few times. You figured they could help.

The mermaid, who had a long shiny purple tail held the jar in her hands.

"I think this jar will hold more than enough. Sure, I'll get some for you" she said.

"Thank you, I'll get you something from the bakery in return and meet you back here?"

"Deal. What's your name by the way?"

"Ichigo" You said, using your alias.

"Pretty. I'm melody, I think I've seen you before actually. Was that you with the night crawler the other week? Getting ice cream?" She asked.

"Yep, that's us"

"I was pretty shocked to see a night crawler out so early to be honest"

"I know, most people are"

"Well I'll go grab some of that water. I'll meet you back here at 3?"

"Sure thing. See ya!" You said, standing up.

"See you in a bit!" Melody replied, turning and flicking her tail as she swam into the depths.

Being a mermaid must be fun. You can just swim around, befriend sea animals and have fun with barely anything to worry about. You made your way to the bakery near by and ordered everything L had told you, plus an eclair for Melody. Of course with an order as big as L's sweet tooth, you had to wait a while. So you sat at one of the free tables to wait.

This case was getting rather intense. Light was in the taskforce now, kind of. The main suspect working in his own case was definitely something you'd never heard of before. But you trusted L, he knew what he was doing. A second Kira has popped up, adding to the risk. And... you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched.

Every so often you'd see shadowy figures in the corner of your eye, and when you go to look it's gone. It can't be an actual shadow person, they blend right into the darkness, these people were visible in the darkness. It wasn't just you, L had been seeing them too. Whatever it was, it made you kind of unsettled. But then again, you and L hadn't slept properly in ages, maybe you were seeing things?

Meanwhile back at the hotel, L had just properly packaged and filed the second Kira tapes. They were now securely ready to be archived as offical evidence.

"L, come here for a second" Watari said.

L got up and floated over to his caretaker.

"Yeah?" He questioned.

"Drink this, thanks to (y/n), I think we might be getting somewhere with that anti-ectoplasm potion"

L took the blue substance from Watari and took a look at it.

"What's in it?"

"The usual, just this time I've added sugarplum. Apparently it helps clot the ectoplasm to your tear ducts. There's only a few drops, so it won't have too much of an effect but there will be an effect we can see"

L shrugged, taking a sip of the potion, waiting for something to happen. It took a moment to kick in, but suddenly his vision became slightly delayed.

Finding purpose • L Lawliet x reader//monster AU • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now