Chapter 1 | new task

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You sat at your table, starring into nothingness, you were so tired from being up all night tracking the patterns in Kira's deaths. Yesterday, the majority of the police force left the taskforce, it was just you and seven other guys. That means a lot of work had to be done, lots of work had been piled onto your shoulders since so many people left.

The last few weeks had been a blur, as soon as Kira arose, a worldwide panic set in, and the mysterious detective L had stepped in and challenged Kira on live TV. You were lucky enough to be working under him, the thing is, you'd never met him, never seen him, no one had. The police force kind of just bowed down to L because of all the power he had and the reputation of never being wrong he had. Some didn't agree with his methods but he got the job done.

You dipped your coffee, trying to wake yourself up as you listened to the news.

"Another gang of monster hunters has attacked and killed two young monsters last night. 16 year old fairy Lizzy and 17 year old fallen angel Rebecca were found dead at 12:46 last night by passer bys. They were brutally stabbed and there is evidence of a struggle. The killing is consistent with the monster hunter gang dubbed 'silencers' if anyone has any information please contact the police"

That's what what the police force needed. On top of Kira, the rising numbers of murders by monster hunters was starting to get out of hand. Of course it's not going to make a giant impact at this rate. Humans only make up 3% of the population and most of them are completely cool with monsters, but if these attacks keep going it'll be enough to class the gangs as terrorists. You put your empty mug down and stretched out your limbs and wings, yawning in the process.

As if on cue, your doorbell rang. You spread your wings and flew over the the door, too lazy to walk. That's a little perk of being an angel. When you opened it you saw your co-worker and good friend Matsuda, a woodland spirit.

"(Y/n)! Why aren't you ready? You know we're meeting L today right?" He said.

"That's on Tuesday" you replied.

"(Y/n)... it is Tuesday"

You turned to look at your calendar, turns out Matsuda was right. That's when the panic set in.

"SHIT!" You exclaimed, running down the halls to get ready.

At the speed of light you changed into your work clothes, brushed your teeth and brushed your hair, all while packing everything work related into your bag. You stuffed your feet carelessly into your shoes and flew back over to the door.

"You're an idiot" Matsuda sighed.

"Shut up" you replied, locking your door.

You began to make your way into the city to meet with the rest of the taskforce.

"I'm so not mentally prepared" you said.

"Neither am I. What if he's like the kraken or something?"

"The kraken lives in the ocean dummy, he'd be a land creature or at least a creature with a human form. Or who knows, maybe even a human?"

"Don't think so, humans are rarer than Griffins and you know how rare they are"

"What do you think he'll be?"

"Well... probably a creature of pure magic, since he's a detective and is so good as his job and he's all for justice. Maybe a... ghost? That's why people never see him because he can turn invisible" Matsuda said.

"Me too, I dunno about a ghost though. Although I do think he'd be pure, maybe neutral? But definitely not black magic" you replied.

It was silent for a moment.

Finding purpose • L Lawliet x reader//monster AU • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now