Chapter 14 | kira tapes

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This was bad this was really bad... you'd just witnessed someone have a heart attack on live TV, one from Kira. This wasn't a joke, this was Kira sending the message.

Everyone started at the screen in shock before panic broke out. Aizawa immediately went to the phone to try and call Sakura TV to stop the broadcast, L demanded a second screen to watch both channels play out, Ukita ran out the door to get down to Sakura TV. First a hunter attack and now this..?

Something wasn't right though, this is way too extreme for Kira... he wouldn't risk something that big would he? This Kira seemed off...

Unless maybe... a monster had figured out his power, and this was a copy cat.

"They've cut their lines! The call won't go through!" Aizawa exclaimed.

"I'll send officers down!" Mogi replies.

L watched as Ukita popped up on screen and pointed his gun at the door. But suddenly he froze up, dropped the gun, and after a brief struggle, collapsed.

"Someone has just collapsed outside of the front doors! We're moving further away for safety!" The reporter said.

Everyone froze and turned to look at the screen. You couldn't believe what you just saw... this Kira didn't need a name... a face, that's all it took. You just started in shock at the TV screen as everyone began to panic again, unable to believe wha was going on. You snapped out of it when you suddenly heard Aizawa shout again.


He grabbed L by the shoulder, lifting him up in rage. L just stayed put, tightly gripping to his legs.

"I understand the worry, but-"

"WASN'T IT YOU THAT SAID WE SHOULD RISK OUR LIVES FOR THE CASE?" Aizawa shouted, the angrier he got, the warmer the room got as his fire started to burn up.

"Doing something that could got you your life and risking your life are two entirely different things..." L said, his usual monotone voice slightly quivering.

He really didn't handle sudden confrontation well did he..?

"We've lost Ukita... I understand you want to for down there but if you end up dying too..."

Aizawa calmed down, letting go of L and sighing.

He moved his hand away to reveal a hole burnt through L's shirt. That's why you don't touch fire elementals when they're mad. You immediately got up and rushed over, wanting to make sure L want burnt. You carefully grabbed his arm and pulled him closer, looking at the hole burnt in his shirt... slight blistering but nothing bad. Something you could fix.

"This might hurt a little..." you said.

L looked down at your hand over his burn, confused. But when you hand started to glow he realised that you were healing him. The key power on an angel, healing.

"Ow..." he mumbled.

"I know, I'm sorry, that's your skin repairing itself" you replied.

You took your hand away and his shoulder was as good as new. No wonder everyone said you should be a doctor when you were little, you were very good with your healing magic.

"T-thanks..." L said.

You smiled, but the moment was instantly ruined by the sound of a bang from the TV. You all snapped your heads to the TV to look at it and weren't expecting what you saw.

"D-did a truck just drive into the doors?" You questioned.

"Ryuzaki, it's the director of the NPA" Watari said, handing L a phone.

L pricked it up and you could faulty hear the director screaming into the phone and asking what was going on. Just as L was about to speak the other phone went off. He grabbed it in the other hand, answering it and having to play a game of duel-wielded flip phones.

"So that was you that drove into the studio? Ok... yes... shouldn't you be in hospital... right ok I'll send someone down"

L swapped phones to the NPA.

"That was Mr. Yagami that drove into the studio... ok... send armed forces down and wear masks, we don't know of Kira is in the area"

That was Mr YAGAMI?! He had s damn stress induced heart attack and then DROVE INTO THE BUILDING, just to revive the tapes with no plan to get out... now you knew where Light got his dramatic-ness from...

The next few hours were awful, no sign of Kira activity in the area. He must be killing from a distance. This really didn't look like the original Kira though...

You stood on the balcony, leaning against the railing as everyone inside talked to Mr Yagami about the whole ordeal and looked at the tapes carefully. You just wanted to go to sleep, today was much too hectic for your liking.

"Hey... you ok?"

You turned to find the night crawler behind you.

"Yeah, I'm just so tired, today has been way to hectic for me..." you replied.

"You can go to bed if you want, I'm just going to watch the tapes all night, analyse and such"

"Maybe in a bit... but, did you think that was a bit off for Kira?"

"I did actually... I'll look into it"

It was silent for a moment as the wind blew your wings and hair about.

"Thanks... for healing me back there" L said.

"Don't mention it, I'm an angel, healing is my job" you replied.

"It's good we have an angel on the case... you have such useful powers. All I do is drip and float, you can actually help someone with your power"

"Hey, you can make your hand and feet disappear, that's pretty cool" you replied.

"I guess..." he half smiled.

That smile dropped to confusion when he gazed over your shoulder.

"What?" You asked, turning to look where he was looking.

Nothing, just an empty street.

"Must have just been a shadow person..."

You have him a confused look.

"I thought I saw someone looking at us... never mind, it was probably just a darkness monster of some kind" he said.

You shrugged it off, he was probably right. It was night after all, all the nocturnal monsters come out to play at this time.

"We should probably keep a close eye on your backs though... with all the hunters and Kira. I have people back home to protect, if I die, so do they" he said.

Protection... his purpose was a rather wholesome one huh? You smiled at the thought.

"You aren't dying on my watch... I can assure that"

It was silent for another moment as L thought about something intensely.

"You can heal... but you can't bring people back to life?" He asked.

"No one can, not even an angel. When you're dead your dead... but it is possible to stop someone from dying as their dying, but is extremely painful for both parties and very very dangerous for the healer, it drains them of their energy so bad they could die, end up in a coma or they could go into a temporary paralysis" you explained.

"So... you could stop someone mid-cardiac arrest? Or mid- natural causes, or mid-stabbing?"

"Yes, as long as it as caught before the person dies completely it's possible to stop them from dying, kind of like getting defibrillated but time a thousand. Even then revival isn't always going to work ou-"

You cut yourself off, hearing something from down on the ground floor. You turned to look at the streets and saw something dash around a corner.

"What was that?" L asked.

"I don't know... but... maybe we should start watching our backs..."

Finding purpose • L Lawliet x reader//monster AU • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now