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"Hey heyy heyyy!"

You sigh annoyed that he is bugging you. Since your the only person he kind of knows in here he's asked to sit infront of you since it was open cause no one seems to like you.
You look up at him as he's turned around looking at you.
"Hey..." you mumbled.
He smiles and gets excited. "What's your name?"

"Y/n." You mumbled trying not to catch other people's attention.
"That's a nice one. I'm Bokuto."
He said grinning like a fool.
You hum already knowing that.
He sure was a handful. At least he kept you from falling asleep so that's probably the only reason why you didn't mind.

Through out the day you had classes that he didn't which was a nice break but once lunch rolled in you panicked.
You quickly got up with your things packed up and asked to go to the clinic. Good thing this teacher is very nice.
They gave you a pass and you left early getting chills up your spine knowing the owl like guy is eyeing you wondering where you were going. Nonetheless he wanted to invite you for lunch with his friend. You simply didn't look forward to it.
You walk out and closed the door behind you as you made your way to your bench. The bell rang a little sooner then expected as you made your way outside. You doge students and felt intimidated by the tall ones.
Once in the clearing you sat on the bench not eating anything for the whole day yet agin. That's how bad your anxiety can get when surrounded by a bunch of people.


You felt on edge and looked to your side and suddenly saw a face peer from the corner as if the person was searching for something. This person did a double take and grinned idiotically.
They came over and you sunk in your jacket that you decided to put on since it felt chilly today.
"Oh,here you are. Are you ok?" He asked since you asked to go to the clinic.
You hummed and looked back at your phone. "The nurse gave me ice." You said. He chuckled knowing that's what they always do no matter what's wrong with you.
You suddenly stared at your screen surprised someone picked up on your joke. It felt nice.

"So I ditched my friend to find you. Don't make me regret it please." He said lifting your legs to sit down then placed them down on his lap.
"Let's talk!"

Your brow twitched in annoyance.

"S-sure." You said trying not to be obvious that your irritated.


The last class..the last...class. The place where you chill the most is now a place that is the most stressful since this boy is more pumped up. During lunch he explained that he's on the boys volleyball team so at least you know why he's so hyper right now.
You groan when he kept asking for your help on the work.
"Just..pay attention?" You said genuinely not being mean.
He gasped and leaned back putting his head on your desk. He opened his eyes and looked at you.
"Your so smart though. I need da help."
You look away never enjoying eye contact since it made you uncomfortable. "Fine." You said defeated.
He jolts up with a yay and turned to you to pay attention...well try to anyway.

The bell had rang a few minutes ago but like always you stayed but stuck with helping out this weirdo.
You kept explaining but he kept looking at you. You grew uneasy and tapped on the paper signaling to look at the Damn paper.
He got awkward after being caught and looked down.

"Bokuto!" A voice called out. He jerked up from your desk and saw his friend.
"O-oh Akaashi?"
He seemed pissed.
You calmly watched the event unfold.
"Did you forget we have practice?" He said irritated.
You look at the annoying guy who seems to be choking on his words.
"R-right! I forgot sorry!" He quickly dashed to his feet sloppily grabbing his things forgetting his worksheet on your desk.
He was already running out the door as he waved you goodbye.
"Y-your paper Bokuto!" You semi shouted. Surprisingly he heard you and quickly poked his head back in the classroom. "Just drop it off before you leave at the volleyball gym!gotta hurry before I have to do laps and dives!"
He blurted out.
Then off he went. The black haired boy was about to catch up with him but not before greeting you with a simple nod.
You did the same as they left.


It was finally quiet.
You melted like icecream under the sun in the sensation of peace and sighed happily.
You stretched back on your chair making your spine pop.
You then get up gathering your things.
You saw a pen and realized it must be his.
You looked at it and smirked.
It was decorated with owls.
"Isn't he like what? 17-18?"

But deep down it sparked your interest in him more.


You shyly approach the gym and you can hear the players heavily stomp and squeak on the floors. You peeped your head in and saw them jump high and move fast to receive.
You then saw Bokuto running laps.

"Whoops." You whispered to your self.

Once he did another lap about to pass you,you called out to him.
"Here." You said and yet agin surprised he heard you. His hearing honestly scared you.
He gestured for you to come closer which you hesitantly did. It was cool but when moving around like they were it was easy to get hot and sweaty.
"Thanks agin for stopping by. I didn't actually think you would come by since your shy and all. Guess your starting to like me hey!" You blushed from embarrassment and look away.
"Tch. You asked to drop it off. I didn't want to be rude." You said in defense.
He hummed and pointed to a bag that rested against the wall near the bleachers.

"If you don't mind would you please just put it in there?thank you so much."
You gave a half ass smile and nodded.
You walked to his bag and slightly flinch as the coach yelled at him to quit slacking.
"Whoops agin." You said to your self.

You unzipped his bag and placed the paper in it along with his pen.
You pause and write a small note on the paper he would study on. Well hopefully.

'Cute pen.'

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