Chapter Twenty Seven - The Final Chapter

Start from the beginning

I didn’t say a word. I didn’t have to. The fierce, menacing gaze I decided to grace their presence with, made them shut their mouths and silently plea to any of the higher powers that their stay on Earth wouldn’t be cut short. The one named Cara was actually mouthing what looked like a prayer. And here’s me thinking she didn’t believe in God. Chloe was muttering the same thing over and over again; intrigued, I leant forward, so as to catch some of the words escaping from her mouth.

What I heard sent me into a rage. A rage that would have been avoided if she’d just done what I wanted her to and forgot about him! I growled and stormed away, slamming the door in my wake.     

I wasn’t controlling my body parts anymore. The rage from inside had taken over and slammed my fist into every available surface; the wall, the kitchen counter, the television screen. Frustrated, I rushed to Kyle’s van, that Kyle was conveniently lying beside, passed out from all the drugs he had been smoking at six AM that morning. I avoided his spread-eagled arms and pushed my way into his van, completely not caring that I had slammed into the car behind, causing some unwanted damage on the car’s front end, while I sped off down the road, eager for peace and quiet and for the burning rage to just leave me alone. I wasn’t going to get Chloe back like this.

Chloe’s P.O.V

I could hear Harry screaming and shouting and basically using every swear word he knew to express his evident anger. I couldn’t think for the life of me what on Earth had caused him to go ‘loopy in the head’ as Macy calls it, but whatever the reason, it meant he was gone. For now.

Above Macy’s whimpers, I could hear the stalling of Kyle’s van and the screeching of a car alarm that no doubt had gone off because Harry had slammed into that car at least three times in the last three days. In unison, me and Cara breathed a sigh of relief as he sped off in the van, off to who knows where.

There was no point in filling the silence with our screams or even conversation. If anyone could hear us, no one cared enough to bust down the door and take a nosey around all the rooms. Being confined in one space for so long, in one position for so long, had caused my mind to let through all the negative thoughts that I usually wouldn’t listen to at all. I refused to let myself think of Charlie, as that only brought tears to my eyes and a sob to rise up in my throat. My only comfort in this situation was that none of us were harmed and hopefully, neither were Alex or Charlie.

Cara wasn’t herself. Gone has the carefree expression and the sparkle in her eyes. Now, her eyes were glassy and her expression dull and saddened. The gags in our mouths had long since been removed to around our necks, courtesy of Cara experimenting with her tongue to push it away. As soon as she was free to speak, she told us how. Our hands were handcuffed together, biting into our skin and leaving red marks. Macy’s hands had been tied behind her backs.

The door was locked, with three different bolts and the window had been customised with ugly metal bars to block us from escaping.

I needed a miracle and fast.

Chapter Twenty Seven: Part Two

Charlie’s P.O.V

I tried to make sense of the map that I held in front of me. The map covered most of the dashboard, that was also littered with empty Starbucks cups and brown paper bags and wrappers from our various stops off at McDonalds. I couldn’t make heads or tails of the map and we had been driving around the same neighbourhood in circles for hours.

The road we were currently on, was a side road that had not been printed on the map. As we were driving around through the unfamiliar streets, something crept into my mind, reminding me that  I had seen this place before. If a light bulb had been above my head right then, it would have been a-glow with light. I reached down into the bag at my feet and frantically searched for the photograph. Grabbing it, I held it up to the light and examined it.

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