Chapter 12: Realization

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Well I'm so sorry for a short notice that I'm ending this story but it's ok, there will be a second story. The reason I'm ending it is because I feel that the characters are telling me to end it and start on a new season, so I'm going to do what they tells me too.


It's been couple days since the incident with Sakura and Naruto hasn't woken up yet. Days and nights, Sasuke would be right next to him and take care of him. But while taking care of him, Sasuke was scared at the thought of losing Naruto again or him losing his memories and forget Sasuke.  Just the thought of all these things happen makes Sasuke feel really lonely and sad.


One night while taking care of Naruto,  Sasuke fell asleep.  He dreams of him and Naruto living happily with their twin kids. Their names are Sasuko and Naruko.  Sasuko has Sasuke' s raven hair but he got Naruto's azure blue eye. Naruko has all of  Naruto features and none of Sasuke.  She is the perfect reflection of Naruto except she is a girl. Everyone is living happily together.

But all of a sudden, there was a gust of strong wind and black cloud coming together to form a tornado. As Sasuke and Naruto turn around, the tornado suddenly picks up Naruto and carries him away. Sasuke cries his heart out and calling Naruto name but Naruto was too far to hear him.


Sasuke suddenly wakes up with tear in his eyes as he reach out to Naruto. Then he looks over to Naruto, who's lying on his bed. Sasuke wipes away his tears because the Uchiha never shed a tear to other people. But Sasuke couldn't help himself crying at thought of his dream.

It seems so real that it takes away his breath. He don't know if the dream is a premonition of what's going to happen later on but he don't want either of this to happen.

As Sasuke watch over his beloved Naruto lying on the bed, he began to realize that the reason he care so much about Naruto is that he loves him and don't want to lose him or hand him over to anyone else.

If Naruto haven't come into his life, Sasuke wouldn't know what the feeling of love is. He wouldn't know the feeling of loneliness, sadness, or any emotions that have ever existed in him. He wouldn't have known that he can smile and live happily.  Naruto was the one who that taught him all of these things.

Before Naruto comes into his life, all he knows about is revenge against his brother Itachi,  who took away everything that have ever belong to him. But now without Naruto, he wouldn't know how to live his life. How he wish he can tell Naruto these feelings now that he realize he can't live without him.

~~~~Next Day~~~

Naruto woke up to find himself in a white ceiling. As he slowly get his eyes adjust to the room that he is in, he finds Sasuke sleeping right next to him. Naruto's eyes shot wide awake and shocked. After a while, he went back to his regular self. His head began to throb at the thought of remembering what happen to him. Naruto tries to remember what happen to hom but all he gets is blank. He stopped trying to remember looks over at Sasuke.

~~~~Naruto POV~~~~

Wow this is the first time I've seen him close up. If I do said so myself he's pretty good looking and I can get why all the girl I've met at his school were crazy over him. He has such long eyelashes and his lip.... his lip is so irresistible. I just wanna to kiss him right now. Right now he seems like a sleeping beauty waiting for her prince kiss to wake her up.

~~~~End of Naruto POV~~~~

As Naruto tries to kiss Sasuke on his cheek,  Sasuke began to open his eye, which that made Naruto startled and blush at the same time. When he saw that Naruto was up and awake, his eye began to get a little teary.

"What wrong Sasuke? " Naruto asked.

"It's nothing. It's just that you have been asleep for so many days that I was beginning to think that you were dead since you didn't move." Sasuke said as he wipes away his tear.

All of a sudden Naruto's body just moves on its own as he kiss away Sasuke's tears. Sasuke was shocked and so was Naruto as he pull himself away from him. Naruto blush bright red and begin to questions himself.

'What the hell was that? Why did I do that? What's wrong with me? The moment I saw tears falling down his face, my heart began to sting like someone just pierce me in my heart. I didn't want to see him like that because of me. Don't tell me...... I'm in love with him! No way! That can't be because I don't even know what love is and beside he's a human and I'm just a doll! We belong in two different world that we should never cross path with! But.... but.... why does my heart hurt so much when I said that we don't belong together. Why? I just don't get why it hurts so much although I'm the one that say it myself!'

Tears began to drift from Naruto's eyes. Sasuke was shocked and hurt at the same time. He reach out his hand to Naruto's face and began to wipes away his tears. Naruto stopped crying and look at Sasuke. Sasuke moves closer to Naruto. He reach out his hand to Naruto's cheek again and begin to stroke it.

Naruto close his eyes as Sasuke continue to strokes his cheek with his warm hand. Sasuke lean in close to Naruto face as he stopped the stroking. Naruto open his eyes to the sight of Sasuke slowly approaching him closer and closer to his face.


I'm so sorry that I took so long to upload because I lost all of my work that I did on my computer when it suddenly shuts down on me. When I try to reopen it again, it wouldn't work so I have to rewrite this whole chapter and my last chapter again because I was planning to update these last two chapters tat the same time. But I guess that wouldn't work out.  So I'll be writing the last chapter and update ASAP :x So sorry for this because of my computer :(

Lovers Doll -SasuNaru (BoyxBoy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن