Chapter 6: We Meet Again

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Here is the 7th chapter. Sorry for leaving you guy with a cliff hanger last chapter.


<<< Naruto POV>>>

Urgh... I can't recall what happen after Sasuke took of my shirt at all. I guess I'll have to ask him when he get home from school I guess. But now that I think of it his room is really nice and neat. His bed is beside the window, which you can see the whole city from it. Maybe he's rich that why he get to live in this big, glamorous, and so expensive building.

He has his computer on the other side of his bed and the closet on the other side that is near the doorway. The bookshelf is place near the computer probably couples inches away from it , I guess.

So after looking around Sasuke's room i make my way to the kitchen cause my stomach was growling so loud that it's telling me 'time to eat.' When I got to the kitchen, I didn't expect it to be so clean and neat. Everything seems to be in a neat place and clean that not a speck of dust was left.

The refrigerator was neatly place as the drinks and and kind of beverages on the bottom, ingredients for making food on top, sweets on the top left side of the refrigerator, eggs in the middle, and anything that is left over on the bottom. The table (about four people) that Sasuke and I sat is in the middle of the kitchen between the oven stone and refrigerator.

The living room is in the opposite direction of the kitchen because the kitchen and the living room are connected together. The couch is place about couple feets from the door. The TV is in the opposite direction of the couch and is near the window.

After looking around Sasuke's room apartment, my stomach begin to grumble even louder than before. So I look through the kitchen and found a Ramen on the top cabinet (I don't know how u call it so I'll just leave it like that). I heated up the Ramen and after a couple of minutes it was ready. I was about to eat the Ramen when I was startled by a really loud ring coming from out of nowhere.

I didn't know what to do cause the ringing was starting to get on my nerves so I went to the living room first to see what it was that is making a really loud noise. Then I found a phone on a table near the couch that say 'incoming call from Kiba.'

So I didn't know what to do and pick up the phone cause the ringing wouldn't stop and slide the green phone that say 'answer.' I know it's weird how I know how to answer the phone even though I'm a doll but it's because once before I turned back into a doll all of my previous owner pick up their phone call from a buyer after posting me up on the net for sale and they did everything to make the buyer buy me so they can be freed from me.

So I pick up the phone and suddenly I heard my name on the other line. The voice was familiar and it feel like I heard it before but from who. Then I suddenly realize that the voice belong to Sasuke. He told me to bring him his phone and his homework in his bedroom on the computer table. He also give me direction to where his school is and told me to bring it to him right now cause it's an emergency.

After telling me what to do he hung up and I grumble after I hang up the phone because I was hella hungry so I grabbed my Ramen and his stuffs and head out the door in a rush while eating my Ramen.

when I got there, I was surprised by how big the school is. It is as big as a.... I don't know how to describe it but it's big, really big and it seem that only rich people can go study there. I went inside and ask the people in the school if they know where Sasuke is and they all offer to show me but I was too afraid so I ask them for directions.

When I got there, I found Sasuke and probably his buddy at a table under a tree. I make my way there but oh gosh, it was so crowded and it seem that there are girls in each of the tables acting like guards. I quickly make my way there when I started to hear people whispering behind my back and they're probably are talking about my beauty. Then Sasuke turns around to see what the noise was and found me making my way there.

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