Chapter 8: He Belong to Me

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Couple days later, Sasuke took Naruto to his university to meet his friends because he promise to bring him over next time.

£€¥¥€£ LUNCH £€¥¥€£

When it's lunch time, Sasuke took Naruto to the lunch table where he and his friends are always at. While walking there with food in his hand, Kiba caught a glance of Naruto and jump out of his seat. He suddenly ran toward Naruto yelling out his name and hug him.

Sasuke glare at Kiba. Kiba look at Sasuke and then went back to hugging Naruto again.  Then he took Naruto by the hand and lead him to the table while Sasuke follow behind them. When they got to the table, Kiba introduced himself.

"My name is Kiba. And the one that is sitting down is Shikimaru. How about you handsome." Kiba said jokingly. 

"Ugh, m..m - my name is Naruto." Naruto said stuttering.

Then when he look up and  at the table where Shikimaru was seating, his eyes began to lit up and sparkle. What he saw right next to Shikimaru was his favorite food, Ramen. Right when Kiba was about to ask Naruto something, he disappear. Kiba was surprised. He look for him but he's nowhere to be found. Then he heard people murmuring behind him.

He turn around and saw Naruto gobbling his ramen. Kiba just giggle and sat down across from him. He ask Naruto if he like ramen and Naruto just nodded. Kiba then went to ask the cafeteria lady for three more bowls of ramen. The lady then give Kiba the ramens and he gave her the money. On the way back, Kiba just keep on giggling at the thought of Naruto eating his ramen and not care about his surrounding.

When he got to the table, he gave the ramen to Naruto.  Naruto takes the ramen and he began eating as fast as he can. Kiba just look at him and he began to giggle again. Naruto stop eating and look up at him.

"Why are you laughin," he ask confusingly.

"Nothing. Just looking at you eat because it seem that you don't care about how people think of you?" Kiba said as he put his hand on his face.

"Well that's because I'm beautiful and no one will care about what I do," Naruto said as he put both of his hand on his chin and smirk.

€£¥₩¥£€ Sasuke POV ₩¥£€¥₩¥

Well of course!  Naruto is beautiful and no one will care about what he do. But if they do have a problem, then they will have to fight with me. And I don't get why but Kiba is being too friendly with what's mine. Don't he know that he belong to me.


"Oh! OK!" Kiba smirk. He looks at Naruto and then glance at Sasuke.  Sasuke glare at him. He smirk at Sasuke and look back at Naruto and back at Sasuke again.  Then he ask Sasuke a question.

"Hey, Sasuke! Do you have anyone you like or a crush on someone?" Kiba said with a smirk. Sasuke threw up his food in Kiba's face.

Sasuke turn to him and gave him a glare and he said, "Why are you asking me that question? You should know that I don't like being question!" Kiba gasp but then his lip began to form a smile. Sasuke look at Kiba and thought that Kiba must know about his secret, which is his love for Naruto.

Naruto suddenly look up at Sasuke and Kiba after finishing his bowl of ramen. He can feel a very dark aura that surround those two.

But then something interrupt Naruto field of vision. He saw something that he would not like to see and that is the pink hair girl name Sakura or something. He glare at her as she was walking toward their direction. She saw him and gave him a glare back. Sasuke and Kiba stopped staring at each other when they notice something about Naruto odd behavior.  They follow his eye and turn back to see what Naruto was looking at. When they turn back they saw something that they don't want to see and that is Sakura. 

When Sakura notice Sasuke glaring at her, she smirk and walk away from him, hoping he would chase after her when she gave him a glare. But instead when she turn back, the one who follow her is someone who she did not expect to follow her and that is the Monster that Sasuke is keeping.

Naruto pull her hand and took her to a place that no one is there to interrupt their conversation.  He took her to the back of the school. He push her to the corner of the wall and trap her there. He began to ask her questions.

"Why are you following us around? " Naruto said with a glare.

"What do you mean? Shouldn't I be asking you that queation? What are you doing here, you Monster? This is a place to learn, not a place for you to come here to suck up blood?" Sakura said with a smirk.

"Well, of course. This place is my meal time. You could be first on my meal time list," Naruto said as he put his finger to her chin.

"Ahahah! Like that will happen because you wouldn't dare to do that and if you happen to, you'll get caught!!" Sakura said she she put her hand on his face.

"Ha! Do you think I will get caught cause once I kill you, you're dead meat and you won't be able to say anything about it!" Naruto said as he smirk at her, which send a chill down her spine.

Sakura slap Naruto in the face to free herself from his trap. She then began to yell at him as he glare at her.

"What the hell do you know? Why are you ruining my life and taking away what's suppose to be mine from the start? Why did he choose you instead of me when I'm the one closest to him all this time? Give him back to me, you Monster." 

"Well, have he ever told you he love you? Have you confess your love to him? Do you know what is like to not have someone by yourself when you needed them the most? You have everything in the world whole I have nothing. He accept me for who I am and love me with his whole heart while others, just like you, call me a monster. " Naruto shouted as he push her to the wall.

"So what? You deserve to be call a monster because you are a monster yourself!" Sakura said as she shrugged her shoulder.

"Well then, that's too bad I guess. Then I think you should go to hell." Naruto said as he put his hand on her neck and began to choke her.

"Well I'll tell you one thing before you die. Remember this, in this world the only person who can have Sasuke is me and me alone. He belong to me and he's mine and mine only. No one can have him as long as I'm alive and breathing!" Naruto said as he whispered into her ear as she tremble with fear. Sakura began to struggle and trying to find a way out of this.

But all of a sudden there was a rustling sound coming from behind them in the bush. Naruto stop and look at the bush. Then Naruto saw a black shadow coming out from the bush.

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