Chapter 11: LOVE Has No Boundary

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Well here is the next chapter and a continuous from last chapter. Hope you like it. Don't forget to follow me for more update of this story:)


~~Sasuke POV~~

I finally found Naruto but who would have thought that this could have happen. He has scars and bruises all over his beautiful body and face was covered with blood. He was bleeding out and moaning. What did he do to deserves this!? If I finds out who's behind this, they would not live to see tomorrow.

~~End of Sasuke POV~~

After a while, two person came out of the shadow. One was a boy who look like Sasuke but except his hair is short. But what shock Sasuke the most was the girl next to him. It was Sakura.  Sasuke heart and mind was fill with hatred and anger. He look as if he could kill anyone right this instance but he's going to wait till they're gone first, so he could take Naruto away from this filthy place.

"So has he spoken any word yet?" Sakura said as she and the raven boy walk toward Naruto. 

"No! He hasn't says anything except groaning and calling out 'his' name," said the raven boy.

"Why hasn't he give up yet? He's starting to pissed me off! I would have let him go if he have listen to me but I guess we'll just have to torture him more." Sakura said with a smirk.

"Well yes indeed, my lady" said the raven boy.

When Sakura and the raven boy got to Naruto,  Sakura raise her hand to Naruto's chin. She turn his face from side to side and finally she let go of his chin. Then, she ask the raven boy to bring her a bucket of water. The raven boy did as he was told and brought her a bucket of water. He hand her the bucket of water and she splash the water at Naruto, causing him to cough. Naruto begin to open his eye slowly and adjust his sight at the pink hair girl.

But what's more is that his eyes is no longer the color of the ocean blue. Instead it's the color of darkness. When Sasuke sees this, he felt like a knife just stabbed him in his heart. He feels so sad like he just lost a part of himself.

"Finally open your eye, huh," said Sakura in an annoyed.

"What... happen... to me?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"Well, well, well. Look who's in state of confusion." Sakura said as she fold her arms.

"Who... are... you?" Naruto asked.

"Well, who do you think I am?" Said Sakura.

"Well... you look familar. So familiar. " Naruto said as he looks at her.

"Hah! Can't believe you forgot about me!" Said Sakura with a raise eyebrow. Naruto was confuse. He don't even know this woman. Who the heck is she? Naruto try as hard as he can to remember her and finally it hots him.

"You... bitch!" Why the hell am I here?" Yelled Naruto.

"Oh! Looks like you finally remember me" said Sakura as she raise her hand to his cheek and smirked.

"You... rotten bitch! I should have kill you back there."

"Hah! You think you can kill me! Who do you think you are?"

"Well, I think I can. You can't do anything to me. Besides, you're just jealous that I took Sasuke from you, even though you know and love him way before me. But too bad! I got a hold of his heart already." Naruto said with a smirk.

"You bitch!" Yelled Sakura as she slapped him in the face.

Naruto spit out the blood and turn to her. Then he said, "Well you know what? We also did something unbelievable too."

"What the hell are you talking about" said Sakura as she glare at him.

"Really! You mean you don't  know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about Sex! We did it because we love each other and it fantastic." Naruto said with a smirk.


"Well, you don't believe me, huh. Well tats up to you because I'm the one that seduce him first. You should have seen him. He was so sexy, calling my name as he was about to come inside of me."

Sakura was outrage. She hits Naruto in the stomach. Naruto cough as blood escape from his mouth. She held out his chin and said, "do you think that that trick will work on me? I don't believe you. You're just trying to get me mad. But it's ok since this will be the last time that you get to talk like that to me."

"What do you mean, you bitch?" said Naruto with a glare.

"What I mean is that I'll kill you because no one will ever find you here. And when you're finally gone, I will get a hold of Sasuke 's heart." Said Sakura as she release him.

~~~Sasuke POV~~~

Well, who does she think she is? She won't get a hold of my heart. If Naruto is gone, my heart is dead with him and no one can melt this heart of mine. But oh my gosh!  I can't believe that Naruto lie to her when he said we have sex. Do he love me that much to the point of wanting to do that with me? But if he want to, then I don't mind since everything that he said is true. The moment he arrive to me, he already captured my heart just like love at first sight.

~~~End of Sasuke POV~~~

As Sasuke was daydreaming about himself and Naruto, he forgot one thing and that is Naruto. He awoke to the sight of smoke. When he look at his surrounding,  he sees fire everywhere. When he look at the direction where Naruto was at, Naruto was gone and nowhere to be found. Sasuke got up and begin to run toward the place that Naruto was being tied up. When he got there, he found little Naruto lying on the ground covered with blood.

Sasuke got down and hold up Naruto in his arm. He began calling his name but Naruto wouldn't answer or say anything. Then Sasuke notice that the whole warehouse begin to fall down. He picks up Naruto and carry him out of the warehouse but the warehouse was cover with fire. Every where Sasuke looks, there was fire and the fire began to spread even more. Sasuke didn't care about it, so he ran through the fire while carrying Naruto.

When they finally reach the door, a block of wooden fire was blocking the way. Sasuke lay Naruto on the ground and took off his jacket. He cover Naruto with his jacket and picks him up again. He carries Naruto and ran through the fire. When he finally got out, he took Naruto to where is bike is and place him in his arm and begin to drive away without looking back. But what he doesn't know is that someone was watching him from behind. And that someone is the same person that knock down Naruto in the back of his head.

Well that's it. Imma leave you guy with a cliff hanger here :). So you'll have to guess who that person is?

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