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A woman in full Amazonian armor stood in front of me. I'd studied them briefly in my off time after graduating highschool. But this one was someone specific.

After everyone thought the Amazon's were gone, she showed up and became known as the "Wonder Woman". I'd heard that she worked closely with Batman. On other planets she'd worked together with all the greats in something called the Justice League. I wondered if that's what she was doing here.

Though shouldn't she be thousands of years old by now? Maybe this was someone else.

"Who are you?" I asked stepping forward.

"I am Diana of Themyscira," the woman said.

Nope that was her.

"Can we help you with something?" I pressed.

"No, but I think I could help you," she said calmly.

"With what? And why? What's in it for you?"

"The same thing that's in it for everyone in this city, and the world.... Help. We've been expecting you, the world's been without speedsters for so long. Now you're here, and you've already stopped thousands of crimes today... Crimes that happen everyday more and more abundantly. When the Speedster Society protected this world crime almost was not existent. Even in Gotham. It's because we need you to put this world at peace. We need speedsters to police the world again, so that the Justice League can focus on bigger matters. We have a place to be your headquarters." She explained.

I took a moment to take this all in.

"Where?" Ellie asked.

"Underneath The Flash museum."

"Whoa, lady, I don't know if you know this, but The Flash museum–" I said pointing behind me "–it's kinda been blown up."

"The old one has, yes. But the one where, I think you'd know it as the precinct, hasn't been."

"There's a spot underneath there?" I pressed.

"Let me show you."

Just like that she took off. Rather slowly I must admit because it was a full minute before she actually caught up with Ellie and I to the percent.

"They did tell me you were fast," she confessed, "let me show you the inside."

I noticed people were staring, at us three, and I wondered just how safe this layer would be.

Diana led us past the elevator to a secret panel on the wall, which opened seeming to recognize her. It was a secret elevator with only one button with the letter "L" on it.

"We built this knowing one day speedsters would return from the past. It might be a little dusty, but I can assure you, it's all up to date," she assured as lights came on.

"Ellie and I can take care of the dust in a flash."

There was a creepy chuckling, and a dusty person stood up from a chair at what I assumed to be the computers. There was something off about him other than the fact that he was dusty and looked like he hadn't moved in a while.

"This is your eyes and ears, Raymond. He's AI and supposed to take care of this place, though he's a bit more human than intended."

He extended out a friendly hand. And I took it gingerly, and glanced at Diana.

"I take it he's not very good at his job," I said looking at Diana.

"Oh I'm very good at my job, I just haven't cleaned in a while, figured what's the use just cleaning everyday. I'm not doing what I was programmed to by just doing that. So I decided to shut down and wait, but now that you're here I'll get to cleaning unless you're ready to get to work, sir?" The Android said with a fantastic British accent that made me smile.

"No, go right ahead, I'm going to get a hold of my surroundings first."

"Of course sir," he said dismissing himself.

"So there are several entrances and exits, all very hard to get into unless you're a member of the Justice League, which you're about to become, so long as you accept?"

I gave Ellie a look, to which she responded, "we're in."

"Alright we'll just put in your information here and you can get to work."

It took us only a few seconds to input our information and by then we'd been informed of everything in this hideout. Every exit, every room, every function of everything.

"And of course there's the Justice League moon access, which we'd prefer you only use in extreme emergencies or when called to a meeting. As you are new members, you'll be put on probationary watch, and we withhold the ability to kick you out of the league until we've decided you're full fledged members of the family,"she said smiling then turning and leaving promptly.

Something told me I wouldn't make the cut. Though Ellie would. I made a mental note to look for my own hideout. I didn't quite trust these people.

Before I'd realized it, the place was sparkling with cleanliness. Raymond was quite good at his cleaning job.

At the moment he stood behind me, I could sense him because of the electrical pulses coursing through him.

"Anything I can do for you, sir?" He asked.

I wheeled around rather slowly and he gave a disappointed look as if expecting to make me jump.

"Yes, I'd like to get to work, Raymond, show us what we can do," I ordered glancing at Ellie who nodded in agreement.

"There's a robbery in progress if you'd like to take care of that sir, also I should notify you, the general public is alerted to your presence. You are no longer incognito at this junction. Many civilians have let loose from research of your names. Hightail and Rapid. Your suits in this time–,"

By this time Ellie and I had taken off though Raymond was still talking through the coms.

"–period are rather out of date and I'll have new ones made for you immediately."

Raymond directed us with ease to the bank, as we did not have the proper equipment to be shown where to go. Nor had we completely mastered the layout of the city.

We showed up to a maskless man holding a futuristic gun (or would it just be a gun at this point), and making random blast. All the while directing people to put money in the bag. He didn't seem to notice us at all. He was probably doped up on something.

"Hey buddy, would you consider not doing that?" I asked, politely announcing our presence.

The dude jumped about ten miles high.

"W–what the? Who are you two?" He demanded pointing the gun at us.

His hand was shaking so bad, the poor guy was nervous. Or was trying to get money for his next fix and was desperately needing the next fix.

"I take it you aren't part of the general public, well–" I started.

"SHUT UP! I didn't ask you," he decided, jumping someone and grabbing them putting their gun to their head.

Nope not doing this. Before the guy could react, I had him off the person, with his gun to the ground and him in cuffs against the wall. I was not dealing with the hostage situation.

Then a thought occurred to me, where was the jail? What was the judicial system? If there were no police, what did I do with this guy?

I looked to Ellie who seemed to be thinking the same thing.

I knocked him out and ran him to the top of the museum. Leaving him there, safely till we figured out from Raymond, just what to do with him. Hopefully this simple AI could at least do that.

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