The Return of The Speed God

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"Today I'm going to teach you how to phase, and then how too phase other objects," Barry announced walking into the cortex.

He'd had me on break for a couple days after I'd collapsed from my time jumping.

"Oh my God finally," I responded, relieved that I was off the bench.

"Careful what you wish for," a deep and evil sounding voice said from behind me.

I spun around in my chair and stood up as fast as I could to face the threat. All the training in the world couldn't have prepared me for what I faced now. I could tell from looking at him he was not nearly as fast as I, but there was nothing I could do to harm it.

I faced a metal suit, that glowed a bright blue. Almost white, but not quite. What the suit looked like was horrifying. It seemed to jag out in all directions, it was as if I was facing a metal demon. I could automatically tell it had weapons.

"I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure I didn't ask for you," I responded finally.

"Hey dude, who are you talking too, and what are you looking at?" Barry pressed looking in the same direction as the demon.

"He can't see me, at least not yet, he's not fast enough. Or I suppose I should say, I wasn't fast enough at that point," the demon said making eye contact with Barry, even waiving it's hand in front of his face.

"What do you mean- wait are you Savitar? But you died, Iris killed you," I objected.

"What do you mean, Savitar? There's nothing there," Caitlyn hissed.

"Correction, she killed a version of me, and now I've come to return that favor," Savitar decreed.

"Wait return the favor?" I pressed, my dumb side kicking in.

"Hello again Barry," he greeted

He must've slowed down just enough to the point where Barry could see him, because Barry's eyes widened in fear.

"Savitar, No!" He exclaimed.

With that Savitar was gone. Curse my slow brain, I finally understood what he meant.

Barry had chased after him, but it was no use, he wasn't fast enough. However I was.

I turned on my coms and ran to Iris's location.
"Barry, it's time to tell me how to phase, tell me how," I ordered, as I watched Savitar enter the building to her newspaper.

"Alright, you've gotta feel the wind around you, the lightning inside of you, feel it all around you, the calmness you feel while running. Anything that tethers you physically, you've got to let it go, you've got to become the air," he explained, frantically, and quite frankly poorly.

Instead I remembered the future Flash. How she told me to slow down, to focus my mind.
I was in control of my time perception I just needed to focus. I needed to believe I could do it. As every speedster before me had, and after me will. I needed to become one with the wind, vibrating at the necessary frequency to pass through solid objects.

I neared Savitar, and I began to vibrate every ounce of my being. I was phasing, and I was about to knock Savitar down. Instead the next thing I knew I was being held in the air by my neck.

Dangling in the air helpless to move, as Savitar counter-phased me, preventing me from escaping his grip. He plunged his hand through her chest, ending her life in an instant.

Immediately my urge to run or move or struggle failed me. I hadn't been fast enough to save the one person most important to my mentor. I couldn't save the team leader, even with all my speed.

"You're lucky that I'm not here to kill you, in fact I have orders to keep you alive. Apparently Godspeed deems you important, though I don't see it," he confessed.

My urge to struggle rose again, though maybe not physically.

"You know, with all that talk of being a god, you sure are stupid to take orders from a guy named Godspeed," I teased.

"Shut up," he ordered.

"It makes me wonder, if you even really are a god," I challenged.

"I told you to shut your mouth boy!" He ordered, his grip on my neck tightening.

I wasn't going to. Better to die while humiliating your enemy, than by flailing begging for mercy.

"If you're the god of speed, and he's Godspeed, then what does that make me since I'm faster than both of you?" I pressed.

His grip around my neck tightened further, I knew he could easily snap my neck. I also knew he wouldn't.

I could however tell that he was going to make me shut up by choking me out. So in other words I couldn't breathe. It actually kinda sucked, I wouldn't recommend it.
It's like he was trying to kill the last few braincells that I operated on. Luckily for him though, I could no longer ridicule him.

The whole world went black and my lungs regained air. At least I hope they did, otherwise death was a lot more boring than I anticipated. It was like being aware of your surroundings, but not being able to do anything. Like when you took a nap in the car, but you weren't really asleep because you could hear everything, you just couldn't move.


I launched forward headbutting Cisco and knocking him on his ass.

"Hey bud, next time you're gonna supersonic headbutt someone give them a little notice, maybe, please," he offered getting up of the ground.

"Did I die!?" I exclaimed in response.

"Oh geez, he must've killed a couple more of your braincells than we thought," Cisco replied.

Caitlyn who was sitting by my bedside while removing a couple of needless only glared at Cisco in response and added, "No, you were just choked out."

"Yeah bud you're already healed and ready to go," Cisco assured.

It was in the way he said go, that tipped me off.

"What do you mean, where am I going?" I asked.

"Oh, uh yeah about that, Barry is sending you home, he said we could help you, but that we had to send you back to Star city once you woke up," Cisco admitted awkwardly.

"Also we tried to contact your mother while your were out, but we got nothing," Caitlyn added.

"Oh you tried to contacte nut," I said, getting off the bed, "yeah, you won't get anything from her, she's been kinda nutso since my father, I'm not eager to get back home to that, so for your information I'm not going anywhere."

Hightail: The New SpeedsterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz