A Dead Man

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"He's good at avoiding us that's for sure, Max see what you can find on him, maybe he won't be expecting a speedster to come after him," Oliver suggested.

"Isn't it rumored that he trained under Batman?" I asked.

"Oh not you too, Batman isn't even real," Oliver exclaimed.

"No, but Batgirl is. Wait is it Batwoman or Batgirl?" I questioned.

"What does it matter?" He asked, "the answer is it doesn't, not right now just go see what you can find."

I sped around town, looking at all the wreckages from previous encounters with him. They seemed like very obvious spots. Not like a typical super criminal hideout.

If he was trained by Batman he wouldn't be this obvious. He'd be trained in ways of deceit and theater, like Oliver was when joined the League of Shadows. He was never there to begin with, he was always somewhere else.

Right then I decided that maybe a trip to Gotham would be worth it.

When I arrived it was still dark out. So I decided to go up to Wayne tower, where Barry had found the bat signal.

It wasn't on, and something told me it hadn't been on for a while. There was a switch to the side of it, and without a single hesitation I flipped it on. It flickered for a bit, then shone brightly as it might of done before.

I figured if I wanted to talk to the Bat, I had to signal them.

It was almost daybreak when the Batwoman showed up.

"Nice suit Flash, but I don't know if it's really you," she said switching the light off.

"Oh I'm not the Flash, I am however a speedster, I'm working a case for The Green Arrow," I responded.

"Ah yes, Oliver Queen, and what could this case possibly have to do with me?" She asked turning to me.

"I just want to ask a couple questions, you're not a suspect," I assured.

"Fire away," she allowed.

"Have you ever heard of a man called Red Hood?"

She paused for a moment, either in fear or in thought, it was hard to tell with her mask.

"He killed The Batman, but that's all I know about him. He killed The Batman then disappeared, I guess Batman had disappointed him or failed him or something. That's all I know really," she admitted.

"Thank you for your help, even if you were a dead end it was great to meet you," I assured.

I was prepared to run down the building, when she spoke again.

"I guess they're allowing kids to be super heroes now?" She pressed.

"Hey, I'm a responsible 17 year old," I said and raced down the building.

I ran to Central City, hoping to talk to Sherloque Wells. However Barry was waiting outside Star Labs.

"What are you doing here? I told you to go to Star city," he said.

"Yes, but you never said I had to stay in Star city, I need to speak to Sherloque," I replied.

"Why? Can't it wait?" He asked.

"Not really, I'm trying to solve a case for Oliver and I really need to talk to him," I answered.

"Fine he's at Jitters go talk to him there," Barry allowed.

"Thanks, oh also I may need a breacher, can I borrow yours?" I added.

"No you can't borrow Cisco he's working with us right now," Barry denied.

"Oh no, I meant, the breaching device, I mean I could figure out how to make one, but it'd be easier to just borrow yours," I admitted.

"Oh, yeah go ahead," he conceded.

"Thanks," I said speeding through Star Labs to grab the device.

Sherloque was just coming out of Jitters when I stopped in front of him, causing him to spill his tea in surprise.

"Hightail, how pleasant," he said, not pleased at all.

"Sorry, didn't mean to surprise you like that," I apologized, just now realizing I was still in my suit.

"One moment," I pleaded, disappearing into an alley to switch clothes.

"It's not like I'm going to get somewhere any faster than you," he finished saying when I returned.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something?" I inquired.

"I'm sure Barry Allen would be more likely able to help you with this task," he offered and tried to walk past.

"Actually no, I need a well traveled detective such as yourself," I flattered.

"Ah well of course, I am at your service, what can I help you with?" He asked.

"Have you ever come across a man named Red Hood?"

He thought for a moment, holding his tea carefully while he stroked his goatee.

"Ah yes on Earth 38 actually, Jason Todd, Batman's apprentice, or Bruce Wayne's adopted child. Both of whom are the same person on that Earth," he answered.

"Sweet, do you think we could go talk to them?"

"Bruce Wayne, yes, Jason Todd, no."

"Why not Jason Todd?"

"Well you see young speedster, Jason Todd was killed by the Joker about three years ago, and came back as Red Hood hell bent on killing Batman, only to inevitably fall to his predecessor."

"Is that right? How did he come- OF COURSE The Fountain of Youth," I exclaimed.

"Thank you, you've been such a great help," I began to race off when I realized I still had the breaching device.

"Could you give this back to Star Labs?" I asked, "There's something I gotta go take care of."

I raced back to Star City as fast as I could. When I stopped my shoes and clothes began to burn up, and I realized that I forgot to put my suit on. I put the flames out, and raced home throwing my clothes in the trash then putting on new clothes. I put my suit on over them this time.

I reached The Quiver, and almost passed out on Felicity's desk.

"Max, are you okay?" She asked.

"Probably not, you got any pizza?" I asked before passing out completely.

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