Young Love

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"Why the hell are there multiple sand demons in central City!?" I exclaimed dodging another blast from the sand demons.

"I don't know, but we can figure that out later, let's just focus on getting rid of them for now," Wally responded dodging a blast himself, "how about a little under pressure course on how to throw lightning?"

"Sounds great!" I shouted as a blast landed right next to me, "how do I do it?"

"You've gotta channel you're electricity-wait the fuck? You taught me this, and now I'm teaching you this? God timelines are weird-channel your electricity into a bolt and then aim and throw it just like you would a baseball," he explained.

"Alright sounds easy enough," I replied, running around dodging blasts so I could build up electricity.

It was kinda like what I'd done too those thugs a couple weeks ago, except now I was throwing it.

I got ready to throw my bolt when Wally spoke again, "there's a trick too it though, you've gotta slow down at the last second or else the bolt is gonna go haywire."

"Wait what?" I asked as the bolt left my fingertips missing the sand demons completely.

"Sorry," he apologized watching the bolt fly over their heads.

The one he'd aimed for had blasted apart no problem. Now we just had about nine more to take care of. That was until I noticed they were forming together.

"Hey uh do we need to be worried about that?" I asked as two demons formed together creating a bigger one, and continuing to do so until they were one giant Sand Demon.

"Uh yeah," he answered.

The first actual bad guy to show up in weeks and we were screwing up famously.

"It's alright we got this," I assured, "we just need to hit him with a bolt at the same time, I hope."

"Alright let's do this," he responded building up electricity.

The Sand Demon went to smash us with his giant fist and we both zoomed out of the way. I had built up enough electricity for a bolt, I was just waiting on Wally. Wally came to almost a complete stop and was ready to throw his bolt.

Our bolts left our fingertips at the same exact moment. One hit the Sand Demon in the chest while the other hit him in the back, causing an almost instantaneous explosion of sand.

Which inevitably got everywhere, including some tight spots in the suit. How? I have no fucking idea.

"Well, that was fun," Wally lied.

"I don't think I like your definition of fun," I responded.

We remained silent, examining the catastrophe of sand.

"I need some coffee," I decided finally.

With that I raced into Star Labs, only to find the facilities in use by Sherloque. I had to wait thirty minutes just got him to come out. For a speedster who's in a hurry to get some coffee that's a long time.

I finally got in a cleaned myself as fast as the water would let me. By the time I made it out all the sand was down the drain. I raced into normal clothes and sped down to Jitters. Thankful for the new sneaker soles Cisco had designed for speedsters.

I walked into Jitters and waived at Wally who was already there, not paying attention to what was in front of me. For a speedster I was a little slow to react as her coffee cup fell to the ground spilling over the both of us. I instinctively went to to grab the cup as it was breakable. I caught it regardless of it being empty.

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