The Return of God..........Speed

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"So I triangulated all of the spots we've received blips of his tech use from, every different layer. They all circle around one spot so obviously he's not even in the city at all." Felicity announced.

"Wait how does that make sense?" Oliver asked.

"He uses theater as a distraction, he's trying to take the city apart piece by piece, that or kill you by blowing you up, so why would he be in the city for that?" I pointed out.

"I'm not quite sure what you mean, but okay," Oliver conceded.

"Doesn't matter the point is, I managed to trace the fake blips to his actual location, and guess what? He's just outside the city," Felicity stated.

"This seems too easy, I mean hell first we couldn't find anything on him, now we know his exact location? It doesn't seem right," he reasoned.

Thinking about it, it didn't seem right, it was definitely a trap. However I had one gut feeling, something I was sure Red Hood didn't know about. I don't know how I was sure, I just was.

"Okay so it's a trap, it's gotta be. Let's spring it, send Oliver in-" I began.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, you wanna use Oliver as bait?" Felicity protested.

"Let him finish, I think he may be on to something, despite how much you may not like it," Oliver assured.

"It's gonna be fine, I'm faster than the Flash, and I've been trained by Oliver, I've got this. We're going to send Oliver in, he's going to go in do his usual Green Arrow thing maybe get a few licks in. Then there's two ways this is gonna go, either Oliver kicks his ass, or I come in and kick it for him," I explained.

"What makes you think he's not gonna see this coming?" Felicity pointed out.

"A couple things here Felicity, one he's not a metahuman, I can move so much faster than him I guarantee it. Two he can't know about me, I haven't exactly made a name for myself yet," I countered.

"Okay, so we're going off of a seventeen year olds gut feeling, that's just great!" Felicity exclaimed.

Oliver and I made eye contact, coming to a silent agreement that this was going to work. He trusted my judgement and knew that I had his back.

Oliver turned to Felicity and got down on his knees getting eye level with her.

"Babe, in all my years working with Barry, any time that he has had a gut feeling I've trusted it. I know it may not be a trait with speedsters, but we've known him for a couple years. You know we can trust him," he confided.

"Okay, fine, you're right, let's get this son of a bitch," she reluctantly conceded.

"I'm going with you, it's two against one to start with, and if we need it, it'll end up being three against one," Dig decided putting his hand on my shoulder.

Both of he and Oliver shared a look I'd seen many times before. A look of trust, and thankfulness.

"Don't worry guys, I'll also be covering you. Don't want you guys getting shot at," I assured them.


I didn't know what kinda tech Red Hood might have set up around his location so instead of scouting I played it safe and waited for Oliver and Dig to arrive on scene. Since they didn't have superspeed it took forever. Well not literally, but it felt that way. They arrived on scene and I was there, two seconds behind them.

We kicked down the front door and I raced in, at first not seeing anything. But of course I knew the crossbow trick all too well. Sure enough in my slowed down version of time I could see panels in the wall beginning to spring out.

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