Bad-boy Speedster Extraordinaire

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"I AM NOT GOING BACK TO THE LAB, I CAN HELP YOU!" She shouted angrily.

"Babe, I would love for you to help me. There's just one problem, you don't have a mask to protect your identity," I pointed out.

She remained silent for a moment.

"Fine," she relented and sped off to Star Labs.

I raced into the building, seeing a man in a rip off flash costume. He was galavanting around with a fuel canister. Only stopping when he saw me.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to desist," I said.

"You think you can stop me?" He asked, "you? An imposter?"

"Says the one galavanting around in a rip off Flash costume," I retorted.

"What're you talking about, I'm the Flash!" He exclaimed lighting a match outta nowhere, and dropping it.

Time slowed to an absolute stop, as I took off and ran outside the building to avoid the flames. Which didn't make sense seeing as I could've just snatched the match out of thin air. I actually probably still could do that.

The match had barely moved in it's desent towards the ground. I moved to grab it, only slipping on the slick gasoline. It would've been comical except for one problem. My lighting had ignited the gasoline, and I was heading towards a wall at a very fast rate.

I phased through the wall, ending up in an office with people huddling together. I stood up in a panic realizing that there were probably more people here than I could help on my own.

"Hey Cisco, could I get Kid-Flash here? And can you give Rapid, Iris's old mask so she can help out?" I requested through my coms.

"Wally's on his way, I'll let you know when Rapid is too," Cisco confirmed.

I began racing people out of the building at a safe speed for them. Wally showed up after I'd gotten about 10 people out of the building. The building was covered in flames now. They were racing up the side of the building and forming a series of letters.


"For real?" I said, glancing at it as I raced in again to grab more people.

"Rapid is on her way, as well as the Flash," Cisco informed.

I pulled out another few people as Rapid appeared on scene.

"Alright what's the plan," she asked.

"The plan is to get whatever people that are in there out," I instructed, racing back in.

The fire had spread to the inside walls, I began to wonder if I could get everyone out, even with help. A person stumbled into the hallway before me. I grabbed him, pulled him out, then raced back in. I began to race through each room, making sure I wasn't going to miss anyone.

Copycat however was gone, must've ran off. I never figured out if he was actually a speedster or not.

By the time I got to the top floors the building had become fully involved. I couldn't race through safely anymore.

Wally appeared next to me, "there's no way we can run through this, we'll burn up, we've gotta put the fire out," he decided.

"You're right, but how?" I pressed.

Ellie had appeared next to me as well.

"We're gonna make counter clockwise funnels with our arms, we're gonna create a vacuum to put the fire out," he explained, and began doing so.

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