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"Look, just tell me where he is I need to talk to him," I said walking into the cortex being followed by Cisco and Caitlyn who were in no way trying to get me to leave.

"They can't tell you where he is, because none of us know," Sherloque interjected.

"What do you mean you don't know where Barry is?" I pressed, stopping at the computers

"He's gone, we tried tracking him, but he must've disabled the tracker," Cisco confirmed.

"Right so, that's why you've been telling me I can't talk to him, okay we're gonna need a plan," I declared.

"Right we're taking orders from a seventeen year old," Sherloque muttered, "where is baby giraffe?"

"Hey, were down two team members alright, one of them isn't coming back, the other is. Okay, I know I haven't been part of the family for very long, if you guys would even consider me part of the family yet, but I'm trying my best. I've worked with Oliver for over a year, we've had our share of missing people, but we found all of them. The case with Barry is that he doesn't want to be found, so maybe he's in another country, or on another Earth, either way we're going to find him," I said commanding the attention of everyone in the room.

"Now, I know you guys lost Iris, I lost her too. Probably not in the same way as all of you, but I lost her. It was my job to save her but I couldn't. I failed and I have to live knowing that," I continued.

"Not ze best pep talk, but alright let's get zis done, let's find Barry!" Sherloque exclaimed.

I could feel the air of the room lift a little, but they were going to need more time.

"Cisco, see if you can vibe him. Caitlyn-"

"Hey guys, I just got back searching the spots Barry might've gone, I couldn't find him," Ralph interrupted walking into the cortex.

"That's alright Ralph, it's good your back I need you to team up with Sherlock and see if you can find where he left from, maybe look for an indication to where he was going?" I ordered.

"Sure thing," Ralph agreed.

"Caitlyn, do you know of any places that Barry could've gone? Somewhere Ralph may not have looked?" I insisted.

"Don't bother, I found him, he's on Earth-3," Cisco announced from the doorway of the cortex.

I hadn't realized he'd left.

"Earth-3," I echoed.

"Jay Garrick, Henry Allen's speedster doppleganger, that's probably the reason he went there," Caitlyn explained.

"Alright, so what're we waiting for? Let's go get him!" Ralph exclaimed.

"That was way too easy," I thought to myself.

Cisco opened a breach, and one by one everyone stepped through. Even though we could've all stepped through at once. Cisco stopped to look at me.

"Hey you're coming too, you're part of this family," he assured.

I smiled, and ran through. I'd never been to another Earth.

When I came to the other side I felt like I'd stepped into the future of the 50's. The car bodies looked like they should've been that old, but the way they drove was more advanced than what we had in Earth-1.

"Hey Cisco, I thought you said he was on Earth-3," Caitlyn commented.

"I did, I opened a breach to there, why are we on Earth-2?" He pressed.

I felt the burning desire to run around the city, just so I could see the differences. I didn't, because I figured we'd be leaving soon.

I was right too, Cisco opened another breach and everyone began to filter through. I raced through again, onto a street filled with traffic. We definitely weren't helping it by being in the middle of it either. I grabbed people one by one, and raced them off the road.

Cisco jumped through, and I was about to grab him, when a blue suited woman picked him off the street from the air, and set him down need to me.

"Hey guys! What brings you here?" The woman asked now standing in front of us.

Her suit had an S on it, and she wore a red skirt with her suit, which I thought seemed a little impractical. To each their own I suppose.

"You're new," she pointed out, speaking to me.

I wasn't wearing my suit right now. So I wasn't exactly ready to out my secret identity, to a girl who could fly.

"Hey Supergirl, I actually don't know what we're doing here, I've been trying too open a breach to get to Earth-3 but I key getting redirected to another Earth," Cisco admitted.

I hadn't realized that she was Supergirl, though now that I thought about it, the S should've given it away.

"So you're Supergirl," I blurted.

"Yes, and you are?" She asked.

"Volt Maxim, aka Hightail," I stated extending my hand.

"Ah, a new sidekick of Barry's I assume," she said shaking my hand.

"Yes, but I'm actually faster than him, just not as skilled," I assured.

"Oh is that so, well you know I'm a little faster than Barry myself," she admitted.

"I beat him in a race, leaving him at almost a dead stop," I advised.

"Yes he did," Cisco confirmed, "but right now he's on Earth-3 and we can't get there, we kinda want him back home."

Supergirl eyed all of us examining each of us carefully.

"He's redirecting you," she concluded.

"Wait why?" Cisco pressed.

"I don't know what happened, but whatever it is, he doesn't want to be around you guys right now. Maybe wait for him to come back, focus on protecting your city. It bothers me that this is the case but Barry wants to be left alone," she answered.

The group went silent for a while, till I decided to speak up.

"Guys she's right, we've got a city to protect, and while we'd all like Barry back, maybe it's best to focus on what we can take care of. So Cisco take us home, we need to take care of Central City in absence of the Flash," I ordered.

Cisco looked down at the ground but reluctantly opened the breach, and sent everyone through it. Before walking through it I turned to Supergirl thanked her.

We were back in the cortex, everything was the same. Except for there was a new suit on the mannequin.

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