"Perfect. I have until 2. Where do you wanna eat?"

"Can we just get something on campus?"

"Sure, babe."

"Thank you."

"So what time does practice end?"

"5:30. It starts at 4."

"We could get dinner together afterwards if you want."

"I would love that. If it's okay, I would also like to go to the studio to get some extra practice in."

"Emma, with me you don't have to ask. As long as we're together, it doesn't matter to me what we do. I just want to make you happy, and I'm not gonna tell you what you can and can't do. I'll only ever let you know if my schedule conflicts with anything, because then you'd know if I could come with you or not."

"You're the best."

"I gotta be the best I can be for you, my lady."

I smiled at him again. He's seriously a dream come true.

We finished our run with a half an hour to spare, so we went back to his place, and I got my t-shirt out of my book bag to wear to class, since I was just wearing a sports bra and leggings to run in.

After that, we got our stuff and headed to class together.

Our psych class was in a lecture hall, and Ethan and I scored two seats together in the back.

The class was a pretty easy one, with minimal work and more of a PowerPoint style lecture.

There were some notes we had to take, but it wasn't anything too complicated.

Class ended, and Ethan and I ate lunch in the dining hall on campus.

After that, he walked me to my class before he went to his, and once my class was over, I quickly went home to drop off my bag and change for dance practice, and then I went to practice.

I texted Ethan before I went home from practice, telling him that I was gonna take a quick shower before we went to dinner.

Once I was ready, Ethan came to my place so that we could go.

We decided to just eat at the subway near where we live, and Ethan refused to let me pay like he always does. He's so generous to me.

As we sat there and ate our food, we talked about how our day went since we've last seen each other.

I loved how Ethan could make me laugh so easily. Our senses of humor were definitely similar, and he could make me laugh harder than most people I know besides Olivia, and my brother.

After we were done eating, we headed to my studio, and I ran through all of my solos. I admired the way Ethan was cheering me on the whole time. It made me feel good about myself, and it definitely boosted my self esteem.

Something I can tell you about my previous relationship is that I was often manipulated into feeling insecure about myself, and now that I'm with Ethan, he's subtly helping me feel comfortable and confident about being myself.

That's super important.

And the way he supports me makes me feel so loved.

The smile on his face while we watches me dance, and how he subtly dances while sitting on the floor and watching me perfect my solos makes me feel so happy.

After I was done practicing in the studio, we went back to Ethan's to watch some tv.

I had leggings and a tank top on, so I was in comfy clothes when we got there.

Ethan made some popcorn, and then we sat on the couch together while we put The Simpson's on.

He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer so we could cuddle, and I leaned my head on his chest.

Grayson came in the room to watch tv with us, and he sat in the chair that was next to the couch.

"Hey, guys." Grayson said.

Ethan and I both mumbled a 'hi' as we watched tv.

"Grayson, guess what?" Ethan asked.

"Hmm?" Grayson responded.

"Emma is my girlfriend." Ethan said. Grayson smiled at him.

"I'm happy for you guys."

"You're the first to know, bro." Ethan replied.

"I'm still trying to figure out when I'm telling the Joseph Chamberlain." I said.

"You haven't told Joey?" Grayson asked.

"No. I think I have to do it in person. And Joey's gonna interrogate E. It's just what he does." I responded.

"I'm not worried about it, Em." Ethan said. "I'll prove I have good intentions."

"I know." I replied.

We went on watching tv until it got late, and Ethan decided to come over to my house and stay the night.

We both got ready for bed, and climbed in to cuddle, which turned into making out for a while.

Ethan and I were too tired to do anything further than that, but we were cherishing it.

Even though we already had sex once, we're trying to take it slow and not be too active, so that it's more special to us.

Plus, I got taken advantage of a lot in my last relationship, so Ethan's treating me with a lot of respect when it comes to sex.

He gave me one last peck on the lips, and then the forehead before our legs tangled together, and I cuddled into his chest for the night.

"Goodnight, Em. I love you."

"Mmm. I love you too, Ethan." I whispered. "Goodnight."

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