Chapter 47

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"I mean, all I've done was become someone I'm not, and get those I loved into more danger," I said aloud. I lifted Jack's staff in my hand to inspect it while I talked. "I wish there is more that I could do. To help you. But I just can't. I don't know what to do."

I looked up at the moon, feeling as though it was shining as bright as ever. I shook my head, retreating back to the side of the area infront of Jack. As I placed my back along the back wall and slid down to a sitting position, I placed the staff between me and the wall as I pulled my knees closer to my chest and tested my head on them.


I woke up to the sound of someone walking and pacing back and forth infront of me. I was too weak to open my eyes, so I stayed rested. Someone placed their hand on my shoulder, but my eyes were to heavy for me to open them. I believe they started talking, because all I could hear were mumbles and laggy words. That's when I realized that I was barely breathing. I felt someone pick me up, and I heard jingles and  twitters and then I could see dark colours through my eye lids. All I could think about was Jack's staff, but I couldn't bring myself to fight for it.


Jack's pov...

Cold, blue colors shone through the ice, and I could see people huddling over the figure sitting against the wall. I felt like I knew them. All I remember was that I was running towards a figure, and suddenly, everything was colder than ever. Everything went black and blue, and I wasn't able to move. I tried yelling, but nothing came out.

Now, I could feel my fingers, and the figures were moving and talking. Something inside of me sparked, and I felt a need to be near the person crouched on the floor, who hadn't moved for quite a long time. My head pounded, yet I still couldn't move. The strange figures picked up the figure on the floor, who had yet to be moving, before walking to me.

I closed my eyes, tired of the blurs and colors, and when I opened them again, the moon shone down on me. I looked through the window to stare at it, and it brought me some little comfort. I sighed, turning my head to the side, and saw the girl. I took a sharp intake of breath before relaxing. I knew her. And I was thankful that I did. I wouldn't be here without her.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" I asked, reaching out to her, sitting up in my bed. She lifted her head, and I immediately felt something for her. It looked like she had been through death and back. It looked like she had cried for months on end, and I could tell that there was something she didn't trust about me. I smiled at her as tears streamed down her eyes.

"This is just a dream. Like every other time," she said, which made my heart break. What had happened? How long was I down? She shook her head and stood up from her chair and walked to the door. I got up and rushed to her, closing the door quickly before she could run out of it. She jumped, but didn't face me, her hand still on the door handle. "Please, don't leave, (Y/N). This isn't a dream," I said, and I had to bite my tongue to prove it to myself, only because I still felt groggy and dizzy, as if my mind still had a mist.

I stared at her, her back turned to me, her body shaking. Again, I didn't know if it was because I brought cold with me, or if she was crying. But I pulled her closer anyways. I held her gently as she had her back against my chest. I rested my head on hers before she turned sharply, facing me and clinging into me as if the world was about to end. It started me for a minute, and I let go if her for a second to look down at her. I inhaled slowly as I slowly wrapped my arms around her, petting her hair down and resting my head on hers again and swaying a little to calm her down.

Her sobbing started to slow, and her breathing stated to match the speed if mine. I closed my eyes thankful for the person sitting in my arms, thankful that I had someone to care for. I held her close, but not too hard. She pulled back, staring down at the floor. I tilted my head a little to see her face. "I didn't know if you would make it. And then time completely stopped. It was like you were stripped from reality itself," she said, biting her lip. And let me say, she looked really cute when she bit her lip.

I grabbed her hand and placed it on my beating heart, looking directly at her. "I'm here. You're here. With me. And I'm here with you," I said, tilting her head up to face me. A single tear flowed down her cheek, and I wiped it away with my thumb before caressing her in my hand. She held onto my hand and smiled, inhaling slightly. She clung onto me again, one arm around my waste and the other under my arm and rising up my back. I pulled her closer again and we stayed like that for awhile before she pulled back again.

"The Guardians wanted to hold a meeting. You should probably come," she said, opening the door. She started to walk out, but I grabbed her wrist, careful not to hurt her with the cuts on them. I looked down and scratched my neck before making eye contact with her. Her (E/C) eyes shone bright, as if stars where hidden in them, and a price of her hair fell from behind her ear. I wanted nothing more than to kiss her gently, but instead, I sighed before talking again.

"I'm sorry. For everything I dragged you into." She looked at the floor, twisting the toe of her shoe against the floor. "Well, I'm glad you did," she said before walking out of the room, closing the door gently. I stood there silently, wishing that she hadn't left just yet. I raised my head, and walked over to the window before staring out at the moon. "Why, did you choose me, if all I did was destroy those I loved?" The moon didn't answer, and after a few minutes, I shook my head and sighed.

"I'm sorry, but your going to have to pick someone else. I'm not the right person for the job." The moon seemed to loose a little brightness, and I could've sworn that it gave off a flicker of light before going back to it's original brightness. I shook my head before walking to the door and opening it. I took one glance at the moon again before walking out of the room, walking down to the meeting area.

Rise With Frost (Reader x Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now