Chapter 33

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"I'd say sweet dreams, but there aren't any left," Pitch says as we all hurtle towards the ground. All I can hear is the wind rushing past my ears as my heart drops and Nightmares surround me.


The surrounding air went black as the shadows and Nightmares danced back and forth infront of me, keeping me suspended in air. I looked around me, but all I could see is the moving black sand, keeping me in this trap. Until I heard Pitch's laughter.

"You don't thunk that you'll always have the help of the Gaurdians, do you (Y/N)? Your going to have to defend yourself in someway." He grabbed my shoulders and spun me around, forcing me to face him. I closed my eyes, but soon shot them open as he held me suspended higher off the sand by my throat. I gasped for air, clawing and scratching at him, trying to get him to release me.

My vision started going dark as he continued to talk. "Just like me, you'll be forgotten. You'll be replaced by those better than you. Won't you my rose?" I stared at him, unbeliving.

"I am nothing like you. And im not you rose," I managed to muster through what little oxygen reached my lungs. I coughed and choked as he gripped me with as much force he could, and I couldnt say anything else from how tight he was holding my throat. But his words had left a mark. The feeling of my fears coming true scared me, and I dared not let it get to the better of me.

At this point, he was yelling at me as I continued to pry his hands away from my throat. I was so desperate for a drop of air I started thrashing and kicking, hitting his arm. He only smirked as he stared me down, gripping me tighter. "Doesn't it hurt, (Y/N)? Doesn't it feel bad?" My vision and hearing was foggy, but the last thing I remember was the cloud of black sand shattering away.

Jack's pov.

The sleigh rocked from back and forth, tilting and eventually making everyone fall from the sky. We were thousands of feet in the air, and the day had turned into night. I looked around desperately for (Y/N), but couldn't see anything as the Nightmares and shadows surrounds us while we freefalled.

I looked around for my staff, but couldn't see it either. The nightmares started rushing at me, and pushing me back and fourth between them. A few would slam onto me, taking the air out of my lungs.

The pain was harsh, but I could tolerate it. In the distance, I need the clashing of swords and the whooshing of something being thrown.

I figured it was one of Bunny's boomerang after one nearly hit me. I heard swears and  shouts as it was as if we kept endlessly falling. I finally found my staff falling a few feet below me, and I dived towards it. As soon as I grabbed it, frost spread across the entire wood of it.

I smirked as I pointed it towards the Nightmares and shout frost towards them, causing them to disperse and freeze entirely. I shot a glance around for the rest of the Gaurdians and (Y/N), and spotted the Gaurdians safely on the ground, but no (Y/N). I flew down to them, about to ask where she was, when I heard Pitch's laughing again.

I glanced up into the air to see a dome of Pitch's Nightmares and shadows. Tooth grabs my shoulder, and so does Bunny.

"Jack, we're here if you need anything," Tooth said, nodding to Bunny and North. I nodded back before flying into the air, Tooth following close behind. Pitch was standing on his own cloud of sand when I asked him where (Y/N) was.

"I told you earlier Jack! You're not going to be a Guardian. You said you wanted to be alone! So be alone!" Pitch said as he stared directly at me and raising his hand. A wave of Nightmares rose up and charged us as we stopped in our tracks.

What has happened, was all I could think before the wave hit us. I started shooting frost as Tooth punched the sand that tried to hit her. I saw Pitch walk inside the dome, and I panicked.

"He's with (Y/N)!" I yelled to Tooth, who looked up at the dome. Her face showed that of concern and anguish. She looked back at me before nodding and zipping back to the others. I flew towards the dome, the wave following me. But before I could reach them, the Nightmares surrounded me.

Everything went dark for a minute before everything glowed a light blue.

-----Third Person pov...-----

As Jack looked around in his globe of sand, his eyes shone a bright, colourful blue. He curled up into a ball before glowing like blue fire and rocketing out of the dome. He looked around for a minute before spotting where both (Y/N) and Pitch were at.

He flew towards them, his face covered with what resembles fear and anguish. He shot a deep and a dark blue bolt of frost that made the sand freeze and disperse into millions of little pieces. As the sand cleared, he spotted (Y/N) falling, unconscious. He rushed over as fast as he could, and caught her, not letting her go. Tears ran down his eyes as he noticed she wasn't breathing.

"What have I done?" He asked, shaking his head and slowly hovering back down to the ground. As soon as his feet touched the floor, the Gaurdians rushed to him and (Y/N). As soon as they noticed she wasn't breathing, they gasped, chatting among themselves as Jack silently cried, tears fully streaming down his face. Her cold and limp body gave him a chill down his spine, and he started shaking, repeatedly asking, "What have I done?"

-----Time Skip-----

He set her down on the hospital bed, waiting near the window for a doctor or nurse to come in and see her. He smiled to himself a slight, sheepish smile as a nurse rushed in with two more doctors after seeing (Y/N)'s lifeless body. As soon as they got her breathing, he flew off, tears in his eyes, silently cursing himself of what he'd thought he had done wrong.

Rise With Frost (Reader x Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now