Chapter 5

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I stared out the window as he just sat there and stared at me. After what seemed like forever of sitting there together, he sighed and got up to leave.

And that's when I saw something outside rush in and out of the tree line.


"Jack! Did you see that?!" I ask, bolting up to a standing position. Jack rushes over to me, and puts a hand on my shoulder. "What? What did you see?" he asked, concentrating on what was outside. I slowly observe the outline, and find another dash of shadows. "There!" I say, pointing towards the lake. I open the window, and jump out, not caring if I'm barefoot. Jack flies out of the window and follows me, dodging low-hanging branches.

I hear another woosh, and practically hear Jack's confusion.he flies ahead and points towards the lake. I run faster, trying to find out what the dashing shadow was.

We arrive at the lake, still searching for the shadow. Jack holds his staff as he shoots frost at every small sound. We stand there like that as we keep searching.

Maybe it was noth-"

I was cut off by a voice with an Australian accent.

"Been a long time." The shadow steps out from the treeline, and me and Jack both perk up. The shadow, turned out to be a 7ft tall bunny rabbit. He had grey fur with intricate patterns. He had a strap of brown rope and leather go8ng around him to his back, where two sets of boomerangs sat. Jack lowered his staff and smirked.

"Blizzard of '68, I believe. Easter Sunday, wasn't it?" He looked at Jack the entire time, who just stood there, amused.

"Bunny! You're not still mad about that - are ya?" He asked, leaning against his staff. I just stood there awkwardly, realizing that they knew eachother. And I only knew one of them.

Jack turned to me, smirk in his face. "Me and him joke around alot," he said, practically reading my mind. I smile, realizing that some point in life, they were rivals. "Yes. But this is about something else," Bunny says, examining one of his boomerangs before he sees me.

Bunny looks at me, and I look at him. Confusion spreads across his face, but before he can say anything, Jack speaks. "She a friend of mine. Don't worry." He turned back to me and gave me a little nudge. I could feel my face turning red, so I looked down at my bare feet.

Bunny hopped closer, apparently still confused. I looked up to see him mouthing something to Jack, who shrugged his shoulders sarcastically. It was getting awkward, so I spoke up.

"Why are you here?" I asked put of straight curiosity. Bunny just looks at us both, and me and Jack look at eachother, then back to Bunny. He smirks, putting his boomerang back on his strap.


"Hey!?" Jack says as he's grabbed from behind by what looks like a brown Yeti. I gasp myself as I'm grabbed from behind as well by a grey Yeti. They toss bags over our heads, and panic arises as I realize that I don't know what is happening.

"Put me down!" Me and Jack both yell as the Yetis throw us the reat of the way into the bags.

One of the Yetis do something incoherent, and I hear the doing of a globe being dropped onto the floor and a burst of glitter. I hear more mumbling, then Bunny speak.

"Me? Hehehe... Not on your nelly. See ya back at the Pole."

I hear Jack gasp, and go quiet. The Yeti tossed me, and I land hard on the ground. I hear jingles, the sound of wings, giggling, and voices.

"Wait, there's two?" Someone asks. I attempt to find the opening for the sack, and succeed. As soon as I step out of the bag, my eyes open wide with wonder.

(A/N): While making this chapter, I had alot of writers block. So I'm very sorry if this chapter turned to shit. Also, I made most of it between 10 and 11 at night, (Western USA time...) so I was a little laggy.)

Sorry if you didn't want to read that, but in all honesty, I wanted to say something😂

Rise With Frost (Reader x Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now