Chapter 18

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"Please tell me what's wrong," I said, pulling her close again. She stayed like that for a little while before speaking. Her voice was cracked and damaged, but I didn't say anything, or make fun of her as I sat there and listened to what she had to say.


-----Flash Back Contunued...-----

"I'm tired of being the one who helps everyone else. I'm tired of being a shadow in someone else's steps. I'm tired of being pathetic and foolish," she said as she raised her arms.

"I'm tired of falling and getting back up only to be thrown around again, I'm tired of doing stupid thing, I'm tired of not being listened to, I'm tired of faking a smile everyday, I'm tired of hiding myself, im tired of laying in bed, having these fucked up things pop into my head, I'm tired of being me, I'm tired of telling everyone I'm fine. And everything feels like I'm running around on a carousel of God's twisted life, trying to prove I'm better than what people think I am."

I chuckled and hugged her tightly. I smiled before talking. "You don't have to be sorry for anything, you dont have to tell people your fine, you don't have to keep hiding anything. Just tell me from now on, ok?"

She looked back up at me and smiled, wiping away some of her tears. I stood up and held out my hand, waiting for her to take it.

-----End Of Flash Back...-----

That was the only time I felt relatively close to her. It made me feel something other than regret and happiness. I realized that (Y/N) was a light in my world that I never had before. She made me feel loneliness. She made me feel pain and empathy. She made me feel like I wasn't the only one being lost or forgotten in a strange world full of believers who belive in different things.

She gave me a new perspective on what other emotions I could feel in my life.

I stared down at my hands as tears fell down my face. I lifted my hand to feel the tears. The genuine tears that I only had whenever I was around her. And i realized that I wouldn't have been able to know what this felt like without (Y/N). I rested my head in my hands as I cried, letting as many tears as I could fall. The tears fell onto the blankets, creating little snowflake patterns.

I cried, feeling sorrow and emptiness for the first time. I cried, feeling lonely for the first time. I cried, realizing that the only person I loved was dying infront of me.

I fell to my knees, holding the railing of her bed. I was losing her. And it felt awkward that I had feelings for her, because I've never felt anything like this. She gave me a new perspective. She gave me something to feel. She was my first believer. And she was like a light to me.

I sat there and cried, the tears falling, making snowflake patterns on the floor. Until I felt someone grab my hand.

(A/N): I'm sorry that this chapter is so short. I had like, a massive writers block, and didn't know what to write... It may be slow going, and may also speed up a few times, and I'm sorry for that. I'm trying to put alot if detail into this book, and I'm also trying to fit every event in here as well. And I know it may seem like I skipped the part where they're fighting at the Tooth Palace and collecting teeth, but I assure you, I will throw it in. I'm planning of using it as a flash back, like Jack telling you guys his perspective. Anyways, thank you for reading that, and I'll see you in the next chapter.


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