Chapter 28

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With that, he flew into the sky, and above the clouds. I was stood where I was, silently thanking the moon for what was given to me today.


Jack's pov.

I sat in one of the trees at the edge of the woods watching (Y/N). After the small flight we just had, it was nice to get to see this side of her.

She kept her head down, and stayed there for at least a minute playing with her nails before she looked up at the moon. She nodded, and turned to go back to her room window.

I smiled, and silently thought to myself. She was a perfect girl, she had a bubbly side to her, that I wished to bring out the best of. And I will admit, she did have a depressing side to her. But, I couldn't really complain.

She still made me feel things that I probably wouldn't be able to feel. And sometimes, I wished I would be able to feel it all the time.

But something kept nagging at me whenever she was near me. It was like she didn't really know if she wanted to believe that I was with her.

"I wish I knew how to tell her," I said out loud. It seemed like it was physically impossible for me to tell her that I loved her. Even if I had said it multiple times, I had only said it with a joking remark. And the only time I said it to mean it, was when she was dying. And i don't know how to say it to her, when she's walking, and alive, full of spirit.

Because she's the only person who has ever believed in me, and she's the only person I've been attracted to.

I was yanked out of my thoughts when I saw (Y/N) walking out of the front door. I watched her as she headed out to the lake, and I was about to follow her, until I heard voices.

I looked out to a trail heading out of the woods. I saw Amber, and a guy with blond hair, a red, plaid shirt, and ripped black jeans. As I watched, I could hear part of their conversation.

"Thanks again Chap, for walking me back home," Amber said, hugging the guy. Chap, huh? Isn't that the guy that (Y/N) was running from? I thought, keeping my attention to them. The guy tried to pull her closer, but she pushed him away.

"Chap, I've already told you. I like someone else." Chap looked at her, keeping his distance. He looked down, then back up at her. "Well, I'm still here if you ever find out that the guy you like isn't interested in you," he said. She grabbed his hand in hers, and looked down at them. "Well, he said no, and I don't think he's interested in her."

With that, Chap left back into the woods. I flew down, careful to not make a sound. As Amber turned around, she stopped and saw me staring at her. She gasped, then jogged over.

"Did you hear that little convo? Sorry you had to hear it," she said, sighing. Looking down at her hands, she continued. "It is true that I don't like him, because..." She trailed off, seeming as though she couldn't find the words.

After a few minutes, she looked back up at me. "Well," she started. "When I met you and (Y/N), you guys seemed so cute together, and when she said no, I just-" she was cut off by a sound coming from behind me.

Before I could look, she wrapped her arms around my neck, and leaned in.

(A/N): So, if you can't tell, I'm falling behind on my daily publishing. So, to fix this problem, I'm going to be publishing either every other day, or every three days. This way, I can give you guys content, and be caught up on my daily things.

Also, if you have any suggestions on conflict, plot, or other book ideas, I'm open.)

(Also, didn't you just love the jealousy and steam in this chapter?

Anyways, ciao for now.)

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