Chapter 2

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Up until today, I had always thought he was a figment of my imagination. Just a thought.


*****Earlier Today*****

I sat on my window seat, watching the children play in the freshly fallen snow. My only friend, outside, playing with the kids. They seemed to have a fun time, and as I saw some teens walk out with more little kids, they too joined in with the fun. I touched the glass separating me and the kids with my pinky finger, watching the glass fog up on my side of the window. As I looked at the falling snow, it gave me a sense if comfort.

I was interrupted by snowballs hitting my window. It didn't faze me, I didn't jump. Nor was I surprised. I sat still, my pinky still on the window as more snowballs pelted my window. I looked past the people throwing the snowballs to see his eyes staring into mine, concern on his face.

I put my hoodie over me, and got up from my position on the window seat, careful to not drop the pillows on them. I went back to my desk next to my bed and grabbed my phone, sketch book, and writing book, as well as some writing and drawing tools. I grabbed my headphones off my bed, and headed for the living room.

As I entered, I noticed my bag sitting on the kitchen island, and decided to grab it. I shoved my sketch book, writing book, and tools into the bag, then zipped it close as I headed to the fridge to grab something to eat. I grabbed an apple and went to my sisters office to grab a piece of paper and pencil. As soon as I had what I needed, I wrote down my note.

"Dear Gabby, I'll be headed out, so if you need me, just call. I'm heading to the treehouse. If you wish to join, go right on ahead."

As I grabbed my stuff, turned on my headphones, put them on and walked through the door, I was met by Jack, who had a concerned look on his face. I started to close the door, giving him a smirk as his face turned to confusion and excitement. I turned on my phone, played the music, put my phone away, and tugged on my hood, making sure it covered more of my face.

I decided to take the faster way out, and jump over my fence to avoid the teens playing out front. But as soon as I hit the floor on the other side, I instantly regretted it.

I stood there, staring into their eyes as they seemed shocked for a minute. I couldn't move, I was so shocked. Just my luck.

After what seemed like forever, we all got out of our trance. But I was the first to move. I turned and ran, heading into the woods on the right. As I looked behind me, I saw that they were catching up, pretty damn fast. I looked ahead to calculate my path, but instead found Jack flying right infront of me. I stopped dead in my tracks, confused, staring at him. He smiled and started to say something, but was cut off by the kids behind me.

I looked behind me to see them a few feet away. I turned back and rushed past Jack, headed for the lake in the middle of the woods.

After falling over almost everything in my way to the lake, I finally made it. It was completely frozen over, and when I looked back at the teens, I decided I wouldn't make it going around the lake. So I ran out on the middle of it.

I stood in the middle, staring back at the teens who had smirks on their faces. They started laughing at me, then started pointing at me. And that's when I heard it. The cracking sound.

I looked below me, and saw that the ice started to crack badly. I looked back up to see them walking away, and laughing. "That waters cold. Hope you don't DIE!!"

I looked around me for something, anything I could use to get my self out of this situation. But there was nothing. I looked back down at the ice, and had an idea. I took one step, slowly to my right as the ice kept cracking. Then another, keeping a slow and steady pace. I took my backpack of, and threw it to the closest price of solid ground. I felt a rush of cold air as I stood there, contemplating my next move. As I saw a chance to head for solid ground, I saw someone in the tree line. I couldn't make them out, so I tried to concentrate on my last move. I leapt to the right, and rolled to a more frozen part of the lake. But that's when the person in the tree line came closer.

He had almost a brownish-grey skin color, wore a black robe, and brown black hair. He smirked at me before asking me a single question.

"So, what do you think, (Y/N). Do you believe in the Boogeyman?"

I watched in fear as black sand surrounded me, and pushed me back into the cracked ice. The last things that I remembered, was the laughing of that guy, screams, and the sounds of bells and hooves against the ice.

Rise With Frost (Reader x Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians) [COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora