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My life is not perfect but I never thought how much pain that life gave me. 

All the burdens. All the fear. All of this is keeping me away from myself.

I was just staring out of nowhere everyday. The Anna that you've known before is not the Anna right now. They made me different from who I am.

Tears on my eyes fall down again.


I cried out loud alone. They always left me here every evening thinking that I was crazy. 

Do you think I am crazy? Why are they doing this to me? 

I look at the door waiting for them to come back. I want Yexel. I haven't seen Yexel for many days. I want to be with him.

I step down from the bed and walk towards the door. I let my feet go where they want. 

People are looking at me weirdly. I go near a man sitting on the chair.

"Yexel?" He looked back and quickly walked away.

"Wait! Yexel!" I followed him but he was gone in my sight. Why? Why did he leave me? Does he hate me? But he promised me…

I cried out loud again, "YEXEEEEL!!!"

"Ma'am? Let's back in your room. You need to take your medicine," the nurse insisted.

"NOOOO!! LET ME GO!!" She tried to pull me but I am protesting and moving away my hands from her.

I ran after her while my tears were still falling down. I don't really understand myself. I just want a happy and contented life but why did they do this to me?! 

I wish my life would be like a sunrise but I think that will never happen anymore.

I just realized that I am now on the rooftop of the hospital. I took a deep breath. 

I slowly walk. I feel the cold wind coming from here. This is better. 

I am now standing in front of the rooftop and I am looking at the tall buildings around the hospital and the lights coming from the cars. 

What if I jump from here? What will happen?

"Ma'am!!! Let's go back!!"

I turned my eyes back and I saw the nurse who followed me. She tried to go near me but I warned her.


"MA'AM! PLEASE! LET'S GO BACK INSIDE!" She demanded again.

"NO!!! I WANT YEXEL HERE!!" I screamed.

"They are now coming, Ma'am! Go back here now!" She demanded while she's standing beside the door of the rooftop.

I made a fake smile, "You are lying!"

They always lied to me! They never think what I am feeling! They never know how much pain that I am experiencing!

I stand still. Does my life become better if I will risk my life by jumping here?!

I'm amazed at how tall this hospital is. I suddenly laughed. Then tears suddenly fall down.

I notice that there are many people standing outside the hospital.

"BESSY!!!" I heard Liya then I turned back and she's now walking towards me.



I laughed sarcastically. I just want Yexel! 

"Do you think I am going to jump here?!" Then I laughed again more loudly.


"ANNA!!!" Mom screamed as she entered the rooftop. 

"Mom?!" I cried, "I want Yexel here, please?!"

Liya quickly gets her phone and eventually calls someone. 

"Yexel?!" She called.

"We need you here in the hospital, please!!" She demanded while on the phone.

"ANNA WANT TO JUMP IN THE ROOFTOP!!" She screamed in fear.

I move my feet forward.

"NO!! ANNA PLEASE!!" Mom cried.


Yexel's POV

F*ck! This can't be! I quickly drove my dad's car to the hospital. 

Don't let this happen please!! 

Few minutes later, I arrived at the hospital. I quickly ran to the rooftop.

I slam the door of the rooftop. 


I feel weak as I see her standing in front of the rooftop and ready to do what she's thinking to do. 

"LOVE!" I called.

She turned her back on me. She started to cry. Pain and sorrow is evident on her eyes.

"Yexel!" Then she slowly turned around. Sh*t! My heart is bouncing in nervousness right now.

"Anna!! Don't do that please! You might fall! Please go back here!" 

She keeps on crying, "Why? Why did you leave me?! Why did you let me become like this?! Don't you love me?!"

It feels like I was hit by a bullet on what she said.


She smirked, "No! You're lying! All of you here! You all betrayed me!"

"Love! Calm down! I am here now,"

She is laughing then crying at the same time. 

"Anna! Listen!" Then I slowly walked towards her.

"Stopped! Just stay there!"

"Listen, please!" I stared at her eyes to eyes, "Isn't you want to pursue your dream? You told me before that we will fulfill our dreams together, right?"

I could not control my tears now but I still continue to please her.

"I already miss the Anna that I've known. The Anna that I love. I want you back…,"

"Please! Help yourself to recover. I am here. As I always promise, I will never leave you," I sincerely said that to her.

"But this is all your fault! You never love me, Yexel! You just used me so that your dad got what he wants!"

"No! Don't say that! Please! I am also hurt! I am also in pain like you! But I bravely face you right now! I know how much you hate me and my dad but please! Help yourself!"

"ANNA PLEASE! STEP DOWN FROM THERE!" Her mom screamed pleasingly.

"How will you become a published writer if you continue to jump from there?!"

"I'm sorry." She cried.

Then she slowly made a step down from the top of the rooftop where she was standing. 

I emotionally smiled at her. 

Then when she's about to make her final step, 

"I want to be happy," she emotionally said.

"Good bye," then she turned her back and stepped up again from the top, then she eventually jumped from the rooftop.



Copyright ©️ 2020 by: Miss Queeniiee

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