What about my Dad? He was still in jail. We gave the punishment that he needed so that Anna could get justice for her. 

He was assaulted with the case of rape and harassment for 30 years. 

I and Anna are now living our life peacefully because she's already recovered and healed from her mental illness.

"Miss Annzkiiee!!" 

"Please sign my book, Miss Annzkiiee!!"

"We love you, Miss Annzkiiee!!"

People around us keep on calling her. We are here now in her book signing at the mall. 

She used the pen name Miss Annzkiiee that is why people are always calling her by that name.

"You have many supporters, love!" I smiled at her. 

She looked at me before she went to her book signing table. 

"But you're my number one fan," she joked. 

I smile then I hold her hand and whisper, "Good luck!"

Few minutes after, the book signing started. Her fans formed their line one by one then she would sign her book and have a picture taking with her supporters. 

I just formed a smile on my face while seeing her happy about what's happening right now.

All of a sudden, 

Niko's calling

I answered it quickly, "Hello, bro?"

"Hey! Yexel! All is set, are you ready?"

I made a smile, "Good! I am ready. Thank you boys!"

"See you later!" Niko said then I heard Jim, "Congrats in advance, bro!!" And they both laughed on the other line. 

I ended the call with a smile on my face. This is it! I hope she will like it.

I once again glanced at her then I noticed that she was looking at me. Her sweetest smile showed. I really love this adorable woman. 

It was around 5 o'clock in the afternoon when her book signing ended. I've waited for her until her event ends. 

Now, she's walking towards my place with an adorable smile.

"Tired?" I asked.

"Nope. I really enjoyed this day. Thank you for accompanying me," 

"No problem! As long as you are happy. As long as you're good, I will always be here," I said sincerely. 

Her hands wrapped into my body. A sweet hug from my adorable girl. 

"Let's go?" 

"Where are we going?" She asked in confusion.

"Just follow me. We're gonna play a game," I answered.

"ARE WE GOING TO PLAY YOUR INVENTED GAME?!" She asked again in surprise.

"Let's see," I teased and I winked at her.

She pouted her lips, and "You're just having fun with me!"

"No! I'm serious about you," then I gave her a teasing smile. 

Her face turns red like an apple. I laughed on her reaction then she rolled her eyes.

"Serious yourself!" Then she walked out from me. 

I just follow her and I eventually bring her to my condo. Yes! I used dad's money to buy a condo for myself because I could not afford to live in our house because of what happened. 

Until The Last Agony (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن