Chapter 51. Part 2: The Baby-Shower!

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"SURPRISE!" shouted everyone.

Angie stood their with a astonished look across her face. She turned her head from left to right carefully inspecting every person stood around her.

A smile appeared across her face as she looked over at the pink balloons and banners that were hanging from the walls. Next her eyes drifted over to the cake on the dining table. It was round cake with pink little flowers piped around the edges. In the middle of the cake was a teddy, dummy and bottle made out of icing. Also their was pink boxes with individual piped letters written on them saying "Baby Girl".

Angie had little tears streaming down the face.

"Angie.. your crying" said Violetta looking concerned.

Angie nodded, Angelica stepped forward and grabbed Angie' hand. Then turned to face Violetta.

"Violetta, my dear they are happy tears".

Violetta smiled.

"Aw who's idea was it to do all of this?" asked Angie.

"Well it was mine and Grandma's idea. Olga also helped with the food and Dad & Ramallo put up all the decorations" replied Violetta.

"Thank you so much, I really didn't expect this and for all of you to come. Ah! Nicole, you flew in from Spain!?".

Nicole nodded and hugged Angie. Then everyone joined in with the hug.

Olga chirped up. "Miss Angie, you have a table full of presents ready for you to open but first let me get you a drink. Of course it won't be a drink of wine, it will be a glass of sparkling water".

Angie smiled. "Thanks Olga".

Everyone went and sat down apart from Violetta and Angelica. Angie pulled them to one side.

"Thank you so much both of you. I'm so lucky to have you both in my life and so is the baby. Little bean is one very lucky girl and she doesn't even know it yet".

Angelica kissed Angie's forehead and Violetta hugged Angie.

"Come on then you two. You've got to start opening your presents for little bean, I bet she's been spoilt rotten" said Angelica.

They all laughed and went back to the living room.


xxx 10 MINUTES LATER xxx

Angie started to open presents.

"Angie, open mine first please!" shouted Violetta.

Angie nodded and Violetta gave her a little gift bag.

Angie took the present out of the bad and unwrapped it.

"Oh Vilu! It's beautiful, thank you!".

"Your welcome Angie, it's a pregnancy journal. You can put little bean's scan photo's in their and write little notes next to them. Think of it like a diary sort of thing. Every day or week you can write down your thoughts and when little bean is older you can shower her the journal".

Angie hugged Violetta.

"I love it Vilu".

Next Angie unwrapped Francesca's and Camila's joint present. It was a musical nursery rhyme book.

Angie got up and hugged them both.

"Thank you so much Fran, Cami. German and I will have such fun with this with the baby. German might enjoy this book too, he's a little kid at heart laughed Angie.

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