Chapter 2. Jade...

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Violetta and Angie went shopping while German had his video conference with Tokyo at home in his office.

It was now half past three in the afternoon. Violetta and Angie were still shopping. German's video conference was finished.

He was sat in his office, fiddling with the red velvet box when he heard Olga shouting at someone...

German recognized the other person's was Jade!

He got up from his chair and went straight out his office to the front door. He forgot he had the box in his hand still..

"German, my love! I've missed you so much!" said Jade.

She ran up trying to kiss him.

Olga was stood speechless.

He pushed her away.

"Jade, why are you here? What do you want? and for the last time don't call me my love!" shouted a angry German.

"I've missed you German, I want us to get back together. I want us to get married!" replied Jade.

German's jaw dropped.

Just then Jade noticed what German was holding in his hand..

"Aw German! Your going to propose to me!" giggled Jade excitedly.

Before German could answer Olga interrupted..

"Listen you witch! Get out of this house! Your not welcome here!"

"Okay Olga, please can you go and get on with the housework. Leave me with Jade?" asked German.

Olga looked suspicious..

German raised his eyebrow...

Olga then knew she should leave so she did..

Once Olga was gone, German pulled Jade into his office.

"Listen now Jade. I don't love you. I love Angie. We will never get back together..ever" whispered German quietly..just in-case if Angie and Violetta had returned. He didn't want them to know Jade was here.

"German, but I love you! We will be getting back together! i know it!" shouted Jade.

"Jade shh please. You know what..just go and don't come back" replied German.

Jade saw that German had put the velvet box on the desk and picked it up.

"Jade! give me that back" asked German.

Jade opened it up and saw a 9ct White Gold Diamond wedding ring. The diamonds sparkled.

"Jade, please give me it back!" German was getting cross again.

"You must really love her.." sighed Jade.

German nodded.

"BUT YOU WILL LOVE ME MORE!" shouted Jade with a grin plastered across her face.

She slammed the box down on the table and left.

German sat looking confused.

Olga came in.

"Sir, I was not eavesdropping but Jade said sounded really creepy. I would keep my eyes wide open. You don't know what she's capable off"

"Thank-you Olga, I will but please don't say any of this to Angie and Violetta. I don't want to worry them okay?"

Olga nodded.


Angie and Violetta came through the office door...

German hid the box.

"Don't say what to us?" asked Angie and Violetta at the same time...


Sorry, it's not as long as my other chapters in my other books been a busy and tiring day.

I got my college exam results (still need two more grades to come)

I got 1 Distinction, 3 Merit's, 2 Pass's and I passed my Maths exam! In normal grades (A, B,B,B,C,C)

I know it's nothing to do with the book but i'm so happy and wanted to share the good news!:D

Thanks for reading so far!

The next chapter will be keep a look out;)

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