Chapter 28. Ultrasound.

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"Well is the baby alright Doctor?" asked German again. Violetta grabbed hold of his hand. Ramallo grabbed hold of Olga's as he could see her tearing up.

"Well Mr Castillo, we will be taking Miss Carrara for an ultrasound scan in 10 minutes, so we will see then. Only one person can accompany her. Who will it be? Are you the father to be?"

."I am yes, i'm Angie's fiancee. I will go with her". German turned to face Violetta.

"Violetta, stay here with Olga and Ramallo. They will take care of you okay?".

"Okay" replied Violetta. Tears fell down her face. German wiped them away with his hands.

"Mr Castillo, you can go and see her now".

German nodded.

"Olga, Ramallo, take care of Vilu will you for me please?".

"We will Sir, don't you worry. Just go and see Angie. She's the one who needs you the most". replied Olga.

"Thank you". German kissed Violetta on the forehead and walked out of the room with the Doctor. They went down the corridor to room 4. Before German walked in he looked through the window and saw that Angie had her head snuggled into the pillow, she had tears in her eyes. Her left hand was holding her stomach where her bump would be. He could see Angie's mouth moving..he could barley hear what she was saying...but he could just about make out some of if.

Angie was saying:-

"I'm so sorry little one. I hope your okay, I can't loose you. I haven't even met you yet..yet I love you with all my heart..I can't loose you. Your a fighter I know it. Mummy loves you".  

German began to tear up. Then he noticed Angie saw him. He wiped his eyes, took a couple of deep breathes and walked into the room.

"Angie, i'm so sorry. This is all my fault, if I haven't of argued with Jade and Angelica..maybe none of this would of happened"

"German, exactly..maybe! We don't know, don't blame yourself...i'm too blame" replied Angie. She put her head down. German looked confused, he walked over to Angie's bed and sat on the edge.  He lifted her head up and caressed her cheek.

"Angie, what do you mean it's your fault? It's not. The Doctor told me it's all down to stress. You've been under alot of stress lately. With the wedding, Jade and now you've just found out your pregnant. It's not your fault..." Angie interrupted him before he could finish.

"Yes but did the Doctor also tell you i'm undernourished?" she asked.

German nodded.

"Well German, i've not been eating properly lately. I've had loss of appetite with everything going on...with Jade getting in the way and with me leaving the other week. So it's my fault". Angie began to cry.

"No it's not, not at all Angie. It's all stress. Jade has certainly not helped at all. Please don't blame yourself. Your not to blame".

"German yea.." German cut her off with a kiss.

"Angie, shh. It's not. Anyway your going for an ultrasound scan now. We are just waiting for the Doctor to come with the machine."

Angie sighed.

"German, will the baby be okay?". Angie looked straight into his eyes.

German sighed.

"Angie, of course the baby will be okay. It's a fighter like it's Mother". Angie smiled slightly.

Just then the Doctor came in with the machine. He straight away, put some of the gel onto Angie's stomach and gently began to move the stick around to find the baby.

German grabbed Angie's hand. Angie looked carefully at the did German.

The Doctor moved from different areas of Angie's stomach to find the baby's heartbeat....

Suddenly...a loud noise came from no where...Angie looked at the machine even more closer and carefully. The Doctor pressed a couple of button on the monitor of the machine.

"Miss Carrara, Mr Castillo. There is your babies strong little heartbeat. Your baby is  a true fighter."

German kissed Angie.

"Thank you Doctor..thank you so much!" shouted German. Angie looked so happy.

The Doctor pointed to the screen.

"See your baby is still in the early stages of growing, but you can see here that it's starting grow. said the Doctor as he pointed to the monitor.


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