Chapter 44. A question.

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"What do you mean Grandma? What question?"

"My dear, i'm moving to London. My friend has gotten me a job at a hotel she works at. I am to be the assistant manager. Anyway there is really great music academy there. It's called the "Royal Academy of Music". It would be an amazing opportunity for you. They also have dance classes. We would live in a suite in the hotel, just me and you".

Violetta stood gobsmacked.

 "Grandma...I haven't seen you in over a month suddenly just appear asking me to move from Buenos Aries to London? I don't understand? You and Angie are not exactly on the best of terms..besides she's pregnant, with your second grandchild. Don't you want to be apart of his or hers life?".

"Of course I do Violetta, but their whole relationship is a sham. I don't want Angie to get hurt, I love her so much. I don't want to loose her I lost Maria".

Angelica sighed...suddenly a thought crossed Violetta's mind.

"Since Mum think it's something to do with Dad don't you? You think that if Angie stays with Dad that she will end up..well you know. That's true isn't it Grandma?"

Angelica looked down.

"Grandma look at me and tell me the truth please, that's all I ask".

Angelica nodded.

"Yes Violetta, I just don't want to loose Angie. You and Angie are all that I have left...but she doesn't need that's partly why i'm moving to London. Angie has a family. She's married, even though I don't agree with it..all I want is for her to be happy.".

"I understand that but please answer my question. Do you blame Dad?".

Angelica sighed once again.

"Yes I do Violetta".

Violetta gave Angelica a sympathetic look and hugged her.

"Oh Grandma, please don't blame my Dad. He will take care and protect Angie and the baby too. You know how protective Dad gets. I'm living proof of that".

Angelica nodded again.

"I think you should speak with Angie very calmly. No slanging matches. Just listen to each-others views on the whole situation.  You might understand each-other's actions then maybe....just maybe you can patch your relationship up. I don't want you to move and i'm sure Angie won't want you to either".

"Maybe Vilu, but the Royal Academy of Music! Just would be like a dream come true for you. The stage is massive. You would perform to thousands of people".

"Yeah Grandma that would be a dream come true's not my dream. My dream is to complete my training here. To go on tour with YouMix and I don't want to leave Dad or Angie. I am going to have a little brother or sister. So i'm sorry Grandma, it's a no".

"I understand Violetta...but i'm still going to move to London. I just thought it would be a brilliant opportunity for you. I wasn't asking you to take you away from your Dad and Angie. I was asking because like I say it's an opportunity".

"I know Grandma...I know you meant well...but please speak to Angie before you make any more rash decisions. Okay? Their back tonight".

"Okay my dear, but I don't think she will want to speak to me".

"Oh she will Grandma..just let me take care of that".

Violetta did Angelica.

"Come on Violetta, i'll walk with you".

Violetta nodded and off they went.


What's your comments? Do you think Angie and Angelica should make-up? Or should she just move to London? OR...does everyone deserve another chance?

The next chapter will  have Germangie in it:)

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