Chapter 45. Another Chance.

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Friday night. 

Angelica, Olga, Ramallo and Violetta were sat in the living room waiting for Angie and German to arrive home.

Angelica looked a little stressed.

"Hmmm Violetta, I don't think this was a good idea after all. Angie will probably not want to speak to me".

"Grandma, of course she will. Your her Mother".

"I haven't been a very good Mother to least not the Mother she deserves. I didn't go to her wedding, I was horrible to when she was in hospital. I wasn't supportive when I found she was pregnant. I'm such a bad Mother".

"Oh miss might not be able to make it all up to Angie but you can start fresh and be there for her now" said a smiling Olga.

That reassured Angelica a little as she had a smile on her face.

Just then the door opened. In comes German juggling the two suitcases while Angie carries in her handbag and holdall.

Angie's head down...then she slowly looked up.

"Oh Vilu! I've missed you so mu....." Angie paused as she glared at Angelica in shock.

Angelica stood up and walked towards Angie so she was stood right in front of her.

"Angie, my darling. I came here to talk with you".

Angie didn't reply she was still shocked.

German went and stood next to Violetta. He was about to open his mouth when Violetta nudged him in the arm.

"Angie please...can we talk? Please?" said Angelica softly.

Angie nodded and directed her to German's office. Angelica started to walk.  Angie looked over to German. She just nodded and followed Angelica in to his office.

Once they got into the office Angelica and Angie stood directly in front of each-other. Angie had her arms folded.

"Well Mother, what did you want to talk about? Are you here to say to that my relationship is still a sham..because I will need to correct you marriage...or to say some invalid comment about my unborn baby huh?".

Angelica sighed.

"No i'm not here to say anything of the sort. I'm here to tell you i'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a bad Mother. I'm not the Mother you deserve. The truth is, I just worry about you and I don't want you to end up like Maria..dead. I want to keep you safe. That's all a Mother wants for her child but i know now German is the one to do that. He will and I know he will take very good care of you, Violetta and the baby. Please try and find it in your heart to forgive me. I love you my darling girl. Your still my little girl. All I want is another chance".

Angie didn't speak she just hugged her Mother...

She whispered into Angelica's ear.  "Of course I forgive you Mom, I love you so much and I've missed you so much too. I need you, i've always needed you. This little baby is going to need it's Grandmother to you know".

Angie pulled away and gently rubbed her stomach. Her bump was finally visible.

Angelica smiled and took Angie's hand.

"I want to be apart of my second grand-child's so much if you want me to be".

"Of course I do Mom".

Angie and Angelica smiled.

"There's another thing I should tell you....i've been offered a job in London in a hotel as an assistant manager....and I did accept..."

"Mom, what do you mean did?".

"Meaning I did accept but I am going to ring Mary and say i've changed my mind. I've got more important thing's here and besides I love my job here. You know i'm a handy knitter when it comes to knitting baby cardigans".

Angelica laughed so did Angie. They hugged again.

"I love you Mom".

"I love you too my darling".

Violetta and German were stood outside the door listening (trying their best to be quiet)...

"I know you two are out might as well both come in" said Angie as she laughed.

German opened the door and in they went,

Angelica turned to face German.

"German, i've been foolish.  I know that now and i'm sorry. Can you forgive a silly old woman?".

German paused for a moment and looked over to Angie. She nodded again.

German then grabbed Angelica's hand.

"Of course I can".

Angelica kissed German on the cheek.

Violetta just looked at everyone..a smile was upon her face.


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